Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to some lovely souls for their unending support.

mss_bilqees, meerarh03, khayrat97, xynerb, Scarlett_nana, batalz, aysherh_baba, tima32, jiddahabba23, fatmafgh, ggrwmaid, hajra33, aishatukur.

adedoja and rukayyah_im for your amazing comments. Thank you so very much.


I woke up after asr prayer and found out that Yaya has left, I silently pray for him to return safely. I stood up and went to the bathroom to perform ablution and perform asr salat. I prayed to my Rabb to protect my husband and bring him back safely ( yeeee she finally accepted him as her husband lol), and also for Him to unite me with my co wife so we can live happily. I heard noises from the sitting room and I was wondering who came inside the house when I remembered Hajiya and I will be living together till Yaya comes back.

I went to the sitting room and saw my 3 lovely brothers chatting with hajiya, I happily sat down and joined them. ' you can't greet your elders ko'? Ya Abubakar asked. ' mallam why will she greet you when you are in her house, and she's the boss here'. Said Ya sudais. 'You guys should better watch your mouth else she will report us to her husband, and he will flog us with that wire. So please stop teasing her, I don't want to cry'. Ya Hamza said and they all started laughing. 'Thank you for coming, but you've over stayed your welcome,you can leave now. How can you just come and make the innocent girl cry, I will personally tell Abdulkadir to use the wire on the 3 of you for making his wife shed tears'.

My lovely grandma, what will I do without you, you just saved me. At first I was frowning but after what hajiya said the table turned, I was smiling and they were frowning. My phone rang and when I checked the caller ID it was my Yaya calling, I stood up and went to my room to answer the call without escaping the trio teasing off course.

'Hello yayana, hope you arrived safely'?. 'Yes my beautiful Queen, Alhamdulillah I did'. And my flood gates opened. 'Noor, what happened?, why are you crying?, did someone offend you?'. 'Yes you offended me'. 'Me? But how?. 'You left while I was sleeping and the money you gave me that I divided it and gave you d other half, you dropped it and left ko'. 'Opps, m sorry my hayat. It won't repeat itself again in Shaa Allah. So please stop wasting those expensive tears and am not even there to wipe it off'. 'You want to start ko?. 'Fine m sorry'. 'It's okay, so what are you doing now?. 'I just finished bathing, now am laying down thinking of how I can get something to eat,my cook is out of town and am very tired to drive'. 'Oh! Sorry about that, but have you opened your bag?. 'No, why?. 'Nothing. Just open it immediately i disconnect these call and no buts'. 'Okay'. I disconnected the call.

I lazily dragged my bag and kept it on the floor and I opened it. The first thing I saw was a 3 different nylon bag, I opened them and the first bag contained meatpie, the second bag contained doughnuts, and the third bag contained cupcake and dambun nama. I was so happy and kept showering Hafsah with blessings, indeed she's a God sent. I went to the kitchen and brought a plate and cup, I opened the refrigerator and brought out a chilled orange juice. I sat down on the floor and served myself with the snacks and saving some for the next day.

After eating I returned the plate and cup  to the kitchen and stored the remaining  snacks in the refrigerator. I laid down on the bed, called my parents to inform them that I arrived safely, they blessed me and wish me safe trip back home. I also called Nafisah, we talked for some time and we said our goodnight. After that, I called Hafsah again. 'Are you satisfied?. 'Yes I am, thank you noor, may Allah bless you and guide you every step of the way'. 'Ameen'. We talked until she started yawning indicating that she's sleepy and I was also tired. So we said our goodnight and I reminded to pray before she sleeps.

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