Chapter 10- Reunion

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For the next few minutes, you could hear the hustle and bustle of people preparing for a special event: the rustling of decorative paper, the sound system test, people barking out orders.

The first thing you did was go check out Riku's band with Yuffie. "Oh, hey," he said. "[name], right?"

"Yep." You nodded.

"Okay. Well, [name], I am proud to present to you, Murder of the Dogenzaka Bastion Parish, or MDBP for short." He gestured to everyone behind him, who seemed to be preoccupied with tuning their instruments.

You were able to recognize Oblio, who sat near the drum set with a bass guitar. There was a small boy on the drums with loud green hair wearing sunglasses, and a boy with a dirty blond mullet holding a sitar. There appeared to be two singers in this band, a dark-skinned girl with short braids pulled into a ponytail and a boy you'd never seen before with jet-black hair and pale blue eyes.

"Six people," Yuffie counted. "You guys' band is... very large."

"The more the merrier," you joked.

Riku then introduced you to everyone whose name you didn't know in the band. The boy on the drums was Yoyo, the one with the sitar was Demyx, and the two singers were Rochelle and Landen, respectively. They all apparently went to your school, but you had yet to see any of them while you were there.

"Do you guys need any help up there?" you asked.

All six of their heads looked around before turning back to you. "Do you know anything about sound mixing?" asked Landen. He had a deep voice.

"Nothing at all." You shrugged. "Sorry."

"It's okay," Rochelle said, "at least you offered."

"Back in the old days we used to get Maccoy to do the mixing for us but, we have no idea where he is," Riku told you. "I might just go and try to track him down."

You nodded, and walked in the opposite direction. Everything was so nicely decorated. The restaurant had one large floor, which contained the stage and a fireplace, then a balcony area that covered about half the area of the first floor. Lighting was always dim here, which gave it a mature look.

For the next hour you were shown what to do when everyone entered. You were supposed to yell "welcome back" instead of just "surprise." You were supposed to keep smiling, even if you didn't think it was that much of a big deal. (But, of course you did.)


You were crouched by a wall, with Rikku at your side. You were just getting a cramp in your foot when you heard Yuffie whisper, "Someone's coming!"

"I don't hear anything," Tidus pointed out.

"Says the guy who's not an awesome ninja. They're here. Trust me."

Yuffie was right, because a few seconds later, the sound of the the handle on the door turning filled the air of the restaurant.

The lights flicked on. "Welcome home!" you shouted with everyone.

"Happy birthday!" you heard a male voice shout.

Everyone laughed, and you tried to pick out everyone you knew. There was Noel, Lightning, Leon, and even Fang! You smiled as Fang walked over to Vanille and gave her a bear hug, them started talking to a few others.

"Hey, kid." You turned around... and saw someone you didn't really care to.

"Seifer." You scrunched your nose. "Shouldn't you be somewhere groping some innocent girl?"

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