Chapter 34- Sacred, Minotaur, and Deling City

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As it turned out, Leon's group was the first to reach the battle. This was bad, because it was the group that didn't have anyone who knew the Float spell in it. Therefore, the entire party had been taking pretty heavy hits, and Lisandra- as the group's sole white mage- was getting very fatigued from trying to keep everyone alert.

"Well, this isn't ideal." Kyra frowned, before hurrying to the group and beginning to cast Float.

Maceida went over to Lisandra. "Fall back. Catch your breath. Yuna, Reiko, can you take over healing for a bit?"

"If the people need me!" replied Reiko cheerfully.

"Good." Maceida hurried to Leon's side, drawing her gun. Softly (to the point where you had to strain your ears) she asked him, "Realistically, how much of a chance do we have?"

Leon looked back at the group. "I'd pray to Hyne that Lightning's group gets here soon."

"I thought you'd say that."

"We got this, guys!" Yuffie yelled to everyone, giving her shuriken a hefty throw. It effectively clipped the larger beast near its head.

Leon gave a firm nod to no one in particular, as he charged forward with his gunblade. Now that his team had been restored to health, Riku summoned his keyblade and began to run behind the larger monster, that Leon had been attacking from the front. Meanwhile, Serah began to cast status effects on both, hoping one would stick.

Meanwhile, to (presumably) distract the smaller unit of Brothers, Yurika had at him with her whip, which wasn't seeming very effective.

"Mumford..?" Rinoa said hopefully.

"I've already tried. Ever since my injury, I can't always summon. It gives me massive migraines." He clearly was disappointed about this. "I'm virtually powerless here."

Another drawback was that Kyra was taken out of the fight since Arrigan hadn't made it yet; she was one of your more powerful attackers, but couldn't attack if she was busy using Float repeatedly.

You took her place, attempting to help Yurika at least distract the smaller brother while Leon, Yuffie, Riku, and Maceida battled the larger one. After a while Rinoa joined you, but you could see why Leon had been so grim about this battle.

After getting painfully winded, you felt a finger tap your head, to see Lisandra had healed you.

"We really need backup," she lamented.

No sooner had she said that, Lightning charged between the two of you, wasting no time hacking and slashing at the monster you'd been hacking and slashing just a few seconds prior.

"Whoo, great timing!" Kyra high-fived Arrigan, who took her place as the Float caster, as she ran to join the battle.

At one point Sacred (the larger) swung his axe in a sweeping motion, which Riku easily dodged, Maceida barely dodged, and Leon didn't dodge at all-

"Leon!" you said, at the same time Rinoa said, "Squall!"

Your screaming caused Maceida to look back at him on the ground- as a result, she wasn't on guard and got knocked out as well.

"Maceida!" Mumford ran toward his sister.

"Mumford, you can't-" Serah started. "You're not powerful enough to be in the front lines!"

"It's okay!" Arrigan consoled Serah, as he began to start casting a supportive spell. "I can help out!"

"We just lost two of our most powerful attackers..." you heard Sora say. "This battle is getting really grim, really fast!"

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