Chapter 40: Preparing For The Next Mission

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"So, if the next place we're going to is indeed a snow town..." started Brecken.

"It is," finished Noctis. "It's just past a mountain peak."

"So..." Brecken was smiling at him now. "I don't think our current attire is fit for such harsh weather. Even our uniforms were designed for warm weather, since this whole mission started in the summer."

Noctis immediately caught on. "You want to go shopping."

"If the rules permit it."

"I'll call Fang and have her ask Rasa or Rune. They're usually too busy to pick up their own phones." Noctis stood, already scrolling through his contacts.

"Brecken! Great looking out!" You grinned. "I can't say I'm a fashion fanatic, but I do like shopping. Retail therapy, as it's sometimes called."

"Yes, I agree," she replied, nodding and smiling. "My favorite part of winter growing up, besides the snow, was going shopping for new gear. Making sure it all matched..."

"I'm getting super excited!" You bounced a little. "If we get the green light, wanna go together?"

Brecken looked surprised. "You... want to go somewhere with me?"

"Of course!" You nodded.

"Well, I... th-thank you! I would love to!" She nodded eagerly.

You frowned then. Brecken was shy when you first met her, sure, but she could also be extremely sassy and headstrong. These days she seemed to be a lot more cautious in her actions. You'd been around her, since you'd been on the same ship, and nothing had seemed amiss...

"Brecken-" you started, but got interrupted when Noctis re-entered the room.

"Shopping's a go," he said. "If you guys are going, would you mind picking me up a nice, warm parka?"

The two of you exchanged a look.

"And why, exactly, can't you get one yourself?" asked Brecken. Looks like she'd retained some of that sassiness.

"Well, you see. Funny you should ask that. I have... things... to do. Yeah. Things."

"Such as?" you asked.

"...when did you girls become so cruel?" Noctis sighed as he sat back down on the couch. "Fine, I will get my winter clothes myself."

"Wonderful." Brecken picked up the keys to the car. "We'll be back!"

As Brecken drove you both to the best coat emporium in the area, she said, "Noctis is rather spoiled, isn't he?" She giggled, "He said he'd buy his own winter clothes as if he would be doing us a service that way. Not that it's much of a surprise- I guess I just never paid as much attention to it before."

"Neither did I, but you've obviously known him longer," you replied.

"Mm." Brecken nodded. "Say, was there something you wanted to tell me back there? It seemed like it."

"Was there? Hm..." you thought. "Oh! Is everything all right with you, Brecken? You're a lot more introverted than you were before. And that's saying a lot, because you were plenty introverted before."

"Have I been?" Brecken's brow furrowed a bit. "It isn't intentional. I do feel a bit more... anxious? Ever since I found out my mother is still alive. I'm sure I don't have to explain why."

"No, you don't, and I can't exactly say I haven't worried about blacking out and ending up in a holding cell again. But, please remember that none of us would ever let anything bad happen to you."

Part II: More Magic, More FantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now