Chapter 25- You're Quite Grand Pulse

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You'd been flipping through a magazine in the living room when Yuna relayed the news to everyone there: Mumford was awake. Predictably, Spencer-Lynn ran to the room first, and everyone decided it was best to give them some alone time.

"So, I hear we may be leaving today," Noctis said, slightly reclining in his seat.

"They didn't discuss that with you?" you asked. "You're Rasa's support; aren't you entitled to that information?"

"Ever since that whole taking the hover board incident, I'm not exactly on the adults' good side," he told you.

"Oh. Oh, yeah, I guess not..." You nodded in understanding. "I know that my group, if I've still been placed with Lima, is still most likely heading for Pulse. Where's your ship going, though? I thought Rasa said something about the crystals having to reveal themselves before we can start looking, didn't he?"

"Yeah; but another revealed itself last night while most of us were sleeping. It's located somewhere... I don't remember the name of the place, but Rune seems to know it pretty well so it must be on Motavian land."

Motavia- now there was a country you rarely heard anything about. Although it was inhabited mostly by humans from the now-defunct area called Parma, its indigenous people were fuzzy and blue, bearing a slight resemblance to bears. The two groups didn't necessarily get along, but they were alike in the way that they both kept to themselves in regard to interactions with other countries.

"Whoa, these things must be really spread out," you finally said out loud.

"Yep. If nothing else good comes out of this, we're getting to see parts of the world that we probably never would have before."

You were going to say something about that, but your train of thought was interrupted as Cloud entered the room. "We're all meeting outside, near the chocobo pen, in about a half-hour," he informed you. "This is where you find out which ship you've been assigned to, so it would do you well to be there."


"After giving it some thought, we determined it would be unfair for one brigade to have two special agents and the other to only have one; therefore, en route to Pulse our ship will make a stop to pick up a small group we've been in contact with." Lima looked around the room, presumably to make sure that everyone was still listening. "Lightning has the official assignments, so I'll pass it over to her. Light?"

Lightning stepped forward, taking a quick look back at Lima and Maceida, her superiors, who both gave her a nod of approval. "Herein, for ease of communication, the brigade led by Rune will be known as the Walsh brigade; the one led by Lima will be referred to as the Marciano brigade. Both brigades were given two white mages: Hope, Vanille, you'll be part of the Walsh brigade. Lisandra and Yuna will be on the Marciano brigade."

Hope and Vanille high-fived.

"There are, so far, three of you that have tamed an Elemental Beast; Chiara and Aubrey will be with the Walsh brigade and Mumford will be with us. To compensate for the fact that we have one less beast, we chose someone whose magic is already powerful without one; [name] joins the Marciano brigade."

Yay, you'd be with Cloud and Tifa after all! And Snow! And Mumford!

Lightning turned a page before she continued to speak. "We then went on to discuss those whose physical attacks and/or speed are stronger than their magic and wanted to distribute them as evenly as possible. Paine, Tidus, and Ellis will be with the Walsh brigade. Yuffie, Riku, and Sora will be with us."

Sora looked way too happy to be hearing that.

"We do have a few people that are not quite as strong and are still learning their abilities, and we thought it best to distribute them frequently so that either brigade has less of a chance to be overpowered. Kairi, Jazlyn, and Gavin join the Walsh brigade; Serah, Madison, and Selphie will be with the Marciano brigade. Finally, for the last of us we used some logic to divide the remaining few. Irvine, Roxas, Emilia, and Mishaela, you'll be joining the Walsh brigade. Rinoa, Brecken, Rikku, and Spencer-Lynn will be with the Marciano brigade." Lightning took a final look around, "If you have not been called, that is because you'll be staying here. This is a very important refuge, and it needs to be kept in shape should the need ever arise again. Sazh Katzroy has been appointed as leader with Zack Fair and Bodie Villiers as his underlings."

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