Chapter 15- Magical Incidents

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"The training for the Magical Stage is sponsored by the military?" asked Aubrey. "Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but I do not like how much they keep turning up."

"Well, if one of us is having trouble in the trials, I couldn't think of someone better qualified to come help," Paine reasoned. "I mean, if they have to come get us we're automatically disqualified, but that's a lot better than the alternative."

Aubrey looked at her, confused.

"Dying," Paine explained.

"Lulu, what happens if we can't finish?" asked Chiara. "Are we allowed to try again?"

"Yes, but you'll have a two-week waiting penalty, meaning you'd have to try again with the people who were recommended third." Lulu looked at all of you. "Though, you are all my most gifted pupils. I wouldn't worry about it."

"Chiara is always gonna worry about it," Yuj reminded her. "That's just the way she is."

As promised, you, Yuj, Aubrey, Paine, and Chiara were going to test for the Magical Stage tomorrow, and Lulu was giving you helpful advice as it was now the end of class. "Well, I have your special access IDs here. You are excused from classes tomorrow, and your transportation will arrive tonight at 9 p.m. sharp. Do not be late."

The five of you nodded.

Lulu handed you your access ID then. It was the same size as your school ID, except it went the long way instead of sideways. It had your picture as well as "Magical Stage Trainee" and a long number right above a bar code.

"Be sure to pack enough clothes for at least two days," Lulu added. "I think that's all you need to know, so, I'll leave you to go pack."


"And, so, Reiko will be dropping off my homework from my classes tomorrow," you said to Mishaela as you sorted through your clothes, trying to decide what to take. "Make sure that you're here to let her in when she comes, all right?"

"No problem," replied Mishaela confidently. "Anything else?"

"Um..." You thought. "No, I think that's all. If anyone calls for me or comes by for me, could you remind them that I'm not here?"

"Of course," Mishaela replied.

Mishaela had been selected for week two, so she'd have to stay behind this week. She'd have to hold down the fort while you were gone. "Oh, and one more thing," you said, turning to her. "Can I trust you to not go through my stuff?"

She gave you a glare.

"Fine, fine, just asking." Mishaela's glares weren't nearly as scary as, say, Lightning's, but you knew what she'd meant by it.

With all your essentials packed, you headed back toward the school with your suitcase rolling behind you. When you got there, everyone else had already made it, but it didn't look like they had been there for long. And when the bus stopped, you were a bit confused.

"Emilia?" Paine asked. "How'd you get here so fast?"

The woman who everyone had assumed was Emilia laughed. "So, you've met my younger sister, I see. Name's Lima; I'll be in charge of you kids while you use the training facility. That means that you'll be reporting to me if you have any issues, questions, or concerns. Are we clear?"

You all nodded.

"Good." Lima nodded and turned toward the bus. "Oh, and one more thing: none of you get carsick, do you?"

You exchanged confused looks. "No, why?"

"You'll see when the bus starts rolling," replied Lima.

Part II: More Magic, More FantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now