Chapter 16- The Interrupted Broadcast

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Come Thursday, you were back at school and you guys were observing Laguna's class again. This was the first day you guys were back- you'd arrived late last night- so you could barely get to the auditorium before people started asking questions.

"Was it hard?" asked Selphie. "Did you almost die?"

"Is there a time limit?" asked Serah.

"Should I be worried?!" asked Sora frantically.

You laughed. "Guys! Look, I'll just say that it's not a thing you should take lightly. Serah, there's no time limit."

There was a small silence before Yuna asked, "Did you pass, [name]?"

You smiled. Good old Yuna; if no one else cared that you made it, she did. "Yes, I passed, Yuna," you said happily. "We all passed. Me, Hope, Chiara, Mumford, Yuj, Tidus, Paine, and Aubrey."

"That's great!" Yuffie said happily. "No one got hurt!"

You raised a finger. "Hold up, ninja. I never said that no one got hurt. My cut wounds healed, but somehow, I still have this..." You slightly raised your shirt to reveal a bruise on your back.

"Ew..." Yuffie and a few others stepped back.

"Yeah." You put your shirt back down. "Remember: do not take it lightly."

"Hello, everyone!" Laguna said from the balcony. "For those of you who have returned from the Magical Stage trials, congratulations! I heard you all passed with flying colors. That, of course, is not meant to be a pun based on the rumor that some people can fly during the stage. But I digress! Those of you visiting from Mr. Kildare's English class, I have an exciting announcement for you all... wait for it... you will all be extras in the debut of the play!"

You heard someone behind you clapping slowly (you didn't know who it was, but judging by the sounds you guessed they had small hands).

"Therefore, today, you will all be fitted for costumes and briefed on behaviors. The play debuts the week after next, so you'll most likely be back in your classroom next week. Everyone, including my students, on the stage, pronto!"

You braced yourself to have to be pricked and prodded about, but the person who approached you merely asked what sizes you normally wore, and if they'd be better if they were a little bigger or a little smaller. You gave them the most accurate information you could, and sat down when they were done. Before long, Chiara joined you.

"[name], I know you know the most about magic," she said. "Are we supposed to... feel any different now? Because I don't. If anything, I feel weaker."

"Well, the enhancements only apply to the stage; that was my understanding of it, anyway." You thought. "I guess that wouldn't affect us as we are now. I don't feel any different, either."

Both of you got up then, and headed back toward everyone else. Laguna was speaking to a small group when you'd arrived.

"So, since we have less than two weeks to prepare, and some of you are affected by the cancellations, if you think you could stand to practice more I'll be here for at least another hour. Sounds good?"

The students around him confirmed it, and they dispersed. You caught sight of Riku first, so you decided to ask him questions. "Riku, what's going on?" you asked. "What got canceled?"

He turned around, and when he saw it was you he smiled. "It's kind of interesting," he replied. "Since some of the teachers graduated while the omission of the Magical Stage was in effect, they have to go do the trials too!"

"Really?" You turned your head to the side.

"Yeah. For example, Snow; myself and a few more of us had his class next, but he isn't here, so class is canceled for the day." Riku grinned. "Early day!"

Part II: More Magic, More FantasiesWhere stories live. Discover now