Chapter Three

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Stuck at home when Alec and Shadow had gone out really wasn't much fun at all. Not in the slightest. I was bored, I was worried and I was anxious.

What a great combination.

They'd only been gone fifteen minutes and I was already panicking. I really had to stop overthinking everything so much because it was driving me insane.

Just at that moment, however, my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts so I quickly took it out of my pocket. My eyes widened upon seeing the caller I.D.

"Rose?!" I answered the phone immediately. I hadn't actually spoken to her at all in the past six months, not since she had left anyway. I had tried, of course, but she had continuously ignored my messages and blocked my calls. So to hear from her now was surprising.

"Don't sound so surprised," She spoke, rather harshly, into the phone. "I travel all the way to London to hear you out and you don't even turn up? You send the vampire freak instead? What the fuck is wrong with you, Violet?! I actually decide to give you a chance to explain everything and you don't even turn up? Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Rose, what the hell are you talking about?" I asked slowly, frowning in confusion. "Where are you?"

"Hiding in the toilets at a cafe. I thought you wanted to talk to me, Vi..." She said sadly.

"I've tried talking to you for the past six months and I didn't get anything back from you," I told her, rather annoyed that she had the nerve to try and play the sad little girl act when she was the one that hadn't bothered to speak to me. "So I gave up. I assumed if you wanted to talk, you'd get in touch."

"What are you on about? You can't say you gave up when you texted me asking to meet, you dipshit!"

My blood ran cold, my eyes widened and my heart started racing. The vampire freak could only mean one thing but I had no idea why she would go behind my back like this. Nothing she was doing lately made any sense but this just topped it all.

"Rose, listen to me," I spoke seriously. "What cafe are you at? I didn't send you any text asking you to meet me. I was giving you space."

She was silent for a moment and then, finally, she spoke, "You mean to say that Leah isn't here because you told her to go in your place?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Leah is hiding something, she keeps disappearing and nobody knows why. There's something seriously wrong so you need to get the hell out of there." I bit my lip, resuming my pacing.

"You think she'd hurt me?" She guessed, sounding more worried than she had been.

"With everything that's been going on lately, I wouldn't put it past her. We think she lied about killing Raven..." I trailed off.

"The purple freak?" Her voice raised. "Oh, for fuck sake, Vi! How am I supposed to get out of this when I told her I was only going for a piss?!"

"Shadow and Alec!" I suddenly remembered. "They followed Leah, so just find them and you'll be okay. Where are you now?"

It took another ten minutes to try and reassure her that she was actually going to be okay and that she wasn't going to be killed. Only then did she finally gave me the name of the cafe she was at.

I wasted no time in rushing out the front door, hoping that Leah didn't have bad intentions this time. I had no idea what was going on in her head but this was just strange. Leah hated Rose, she had made that clear from the very beginning. There was no way she would invite her to talk, not unless she had other intentions.

Whether those intentions were good or bad, however, I had no idea.


Thankfully, it didn't take me long to get to the right place, only about ten minutes. By the time I had walked inside the cafe, I couldn't see Leah anywhere. Rose was also nowhere to be seen so I took my phone out and called her.

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