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Anakin returned to Coruscant to speak with the emperor again. He had to convince the emperor that he was still on the dark side. The emperor was strong with the force and a very smart man. If Anakin had swayed back towards the light, even a little, he would be able to tell. To keep up this facade, Anakin would have to swallow all of his thoughts and feelings of the light. Anakin could tell that the emperor was uneasy, but he continued to deceive him.
Obi Wan stayed on Alderaan with Padmé and senator Organa. When Anakin said the time was right, then Obi Wan would help kill the emperor. This was a rough sketch, so to speak, of the plan to bring back peace. They didn't know exactly how they would undertake this.
Meanwhile, the emperor started plans to build the Death Star. He kept order in the senate and built the empire. Anakin, Lord Vader as he was known to the emperor, was the head of the military operation. He would attack and kill whom ever the emperor wished. Governor Tarkin also oversaw the building of the Death Star and lead the military with Anakin as his close "friend." Although Anakin and Tarkin shared similar beliefs, Anakin didn't like his aggressive ways. Tarkin would do what ever it takes to achieve his goals.
Anakin devised a plan. The emperor and him were to meet Coruscant to discuss the progress on the Death Star. This was the plan. Anakin would meet with the emperor on Coruscant, as planned, but he would bring Obi Wan along. The only issue was that Anakin was accompanied by storm troopers, the new name for the clone troopers, every and anywhere he went. They would either have to sneak Obi Wan aboard his transport shuttle, or escape from the escort and go on their own.
Obi Wan was more comfortable with them traveling alone so not to arouse suspicion. Anakin agreed. He just had to get a ship now. Luckily, the Death Star had many shuttles. Anakin just needed to leave early than scheduled to got pick up Obi Wan and avoid his trooper escort.
He jumped onto the first empty imperial shuttle he could find. He shut the door and checked over the the necessities for a successful flight. He made sure he had fuel and started the ignition. Anakin also programmed the navi-computer for Alderaan. He pulled out of the Death Star and retracted the landing gear. To avoid the Death Star cams therefore to avoid being caught by the empire, Anakin needed to get out of there fast! He jumped to light speed as soon as he exited the landing zone. He zoomed away for Alderaan and the hope for peace guiding him.

Anakin landed on the beautiful planet of Alderaan, home of Senator Bail Organa. Padmé, Obi Wan, and his two droids, R2D2 and C3PO, all awaited his arrival in the landing deck. When Anakin spotted Padmé, his heart skipped a beat. He hadn't seen her for at least a month, which wasn't too abnormal with the clone war. She looked as beautiful as ever and was largely pregnant at this point.
He quickly landed and ran off his ship with excitement. He had a large smile in his face and forgot all about is impending fight with the emperor. He hugged and kissed his wife.
This was what he wanted, he had realized that when the emperor was trying to seduce him. All he wanted was to live a happy life free from war and politics with his gorgeous wife, whom he loved deeply, and their unborn child. No more Jedi order, just joy.
"Ani, I was so worried about you." Padmé cried in their embrace.
"I do hate to rush this along, but we must get going." Obi Wan said to the couple.
"Of course, master." Anakin replied.
He separated from his wife and left her with one last kiss.
Anakin and Obi Wan sat in the shuttle and took off for Coruscant. Anakin's nerves returned. He hadn't felt this kind of fear since he left his mother all of those years back on Tatooine. If they failed, then terror would spread across the galaxy, Padmé would be left alone with their child, and the last of the Jedi would be gone. That was a very heavy burden for him to carry.
"We're coming up on Coruscant." Obi Wan said interrupting Anakin's thoughts, which also helped reminded him that he was not alone.
He turned and nodded at Obi Wan. There he was in all of his glory; Obi Wan was the wisest and strongest willed man that Anakin had ever known. He was proud to be his student and honored to have him as a master. They had been through so much together that they were more like family. He was like the father or brother he never had, excluding his step brother Owen Lars of course. He was very happy to be going into this last effort towards peace with Obi Wan and won't have it any other way.
They landed on the planet.
"There is a transport waiting for us." Anakin said.
"With an escort?" Obi Wan asked.
Things were about to get messy.

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