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Four years passed. Luke and Leia had made progress with their abilities. Leia was very smart as was Luke, but he was definitely smarter with battle as opposed to Leia's politics. Now that they were both 16, the future was looking good. They weren't children anymore. And then the day finally came.
Obi-Wan flew to Naboo alone in a small ship. He left the padawans with the bigger ship on Dantooine. He landed on the landing platform outside of the Skywalker home in the lake county.
He got out of the ship and was greeted by C3Po.
"Oh, master Kenobi." He said with delight. "Its it wonderful to see you again."
"3Po. I'm here to see Anakin."
"Yes, of course." 3Po said. "He is with master Luke and mistress Leia in their training room. Follow me."
They walked through the gorgeous house into the training room. Inside Luke and Leia were engaged in a lightsaber battle.
Obi-Wan slipped in and watched.
Leia pushed forward at Luke with her blue lightsaber. Luke stopped her with his green blade. They clashed blades and few times and minded their foot positions.
"Good, Leia." Anakin said; he was standing off the the side watching. "Luke watch your footing." He advised.
Luke adjusted his feet slightly and pushed his attack on Leia. Leia deflected and pushed Luke back. She then kicked him in the leg and Luke fell on his back. Leia pushed her lightsaber in Luke's face and laughed.
"You cheated." Luke said.
"What do you mean I cheated?!" Leia argued.
"Dad said that this round was only a lightsaber technique battle. You kicked me!" Luke yelled.
Leia just laughed.
"Luke, Leia was smart. She took her chance while she had it."
Leia smirked at Luke who scowled.
"I happen to agree with Luke." Obi-Wan chimed in.
Anakin, Luke, and Leia looked over at him with shock.
"Master?" Anakin said. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Oh, not long." Obi-Wan replied.
Luke and Leia both looked curiously at Master Kenobi. They had heard of master Kenobi before and had met him only once before.
"Luke. Leia. Please go change out of your robes and wash up. We'll meet back at the dinner table." Anakin instructed; the twins nodded and left the room while staring at their father and Obi-Wan.
Once they were out of the room, Anakin and Obi-Wan talked.
"Master, its great to see you." Anakin smiled. "Did you come alone?" Anakin asked.
"Yes..." Obi-Wan answered.
Anakin was about to mention how he knew the reason why Obi-Wan was there, when he was interrupted.
"Is Padmé here?" Obi-Wan asked.
"She's in her office." Anakin responded.
"This is a conversation that we have to have together." Obi-Wan said.
"I know what you're going to say master." Anakin said.
"Yes...I'm sure. Let's talk about how you've been training them."
"What about it?" Anakin asked.
"What did I just witness?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Lightsaber technique training." Anakin replied.
"Your teaching method is so structured. I must say that I'm surprised. Your so reckless and not structured. The last time you taught..."
Obi-Wan was interrupted. "Let's just say I've grown up. This are my children and I wanted them to be prepared for your teaching style." Anakin smirked.
"Shall we discuss this with your wife." Obi-Wan said.
"Yes." Anakin walked out of the training room and lead his old friend to Padmé's office.
He knocked on the door and walked in.
"Padmé." He said as he entered.
"Ani. I'm working." Padmé said; she looked up from her deck and saw Obi-Wan. "Oh...master Kenobi." She got up. "Wonderful to see you again."
"You too. I know this may be a touchy subject for you...for both of you...but it's time. The rebellion is in trouble and there is a rumor that Tarkin is building some sort of super weapon for the empire. It is rumored to be powerful enough to completely destroy an entire planet. The rebellion needs all the help it can get." Padmé's eyes started to tear up as Obi-Wan talked. "It's time that I train Luke and Leia. Now Anakin, I'm sure that you have done a fine job training them yourself, but they will need more experience to be ready to take on this task."
"I know, I agree." Anakin frowned.
Padmé walked over and hugged Anakin.
"Can you describe their specific skills?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Sure. Leia is very smart. She has a great connection with the force. She can aim well with a blaster and has wonderful lightsaber abilities. Luke also has great strength and abilities with his lightsaber. Luke is smart too with his reflexes in battle, but also can get a little cocky. He is an excellent pilot." Anakin exclaimed.
"Good. How would you like to tell them this?" Obi-Wan asked.
"There may be a problem with that..." Anakin said.
"What might that be?"
"We haven't...exactly told them about this yet..." Anakin replied.
"We never told that they would have to go away to train with you and fight in the rebellion." Anakin explained.
"Why not?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Padmé's idea." Anakin pointed the blame.
She was quick to defend herself. "I didn't want to ruin their childhood."
"That is understandable." Obi-Wan stroked his beard.
"How do you think they will react?" Anakin asked Padmé.
"Luke will seem excited and tough up front, but I'm sure that he will be nervous inside. Leia will be resistant at first, but then will want to do anything to help others." Padmé said.
"Yes, definitely." Anakin smiled.
"Shall we tell them?" Obi-Wan asked.
"I told them to meet us at the dinner table." Anakin replied.
They left the room and went into the dining room. Both Luke and Leia were sitting at the table promptly at the time that they family normally eats their dinner.
"Luke. Leia. This is master Obi-Wan Kenobi. You met him before when he was here with his group of Jedi younglings. He was your father's master and a very good friend. He would like to have a chat with you." Padmé said.
"Yes, but first we eat." Obi-Wan smiled.

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