Brand New

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Luke and Leia observed the strange planet that they just landed on. They had only ever been on Naboo, their home planet, Alderaan, to visit their Uncle Organa, and Tatooine a few times too, to visit their aunt and uncle. This planet was different from what they had ever seen.
Killian jumped up onto the side of the sinkhole and landed next to Leia on his feet. Dahlia came up next, she jumped up and landed on one knee. Jakob and Iona'Ryn came up next, and then Cax climbed up over the edge. Morgana was still climbing up.
"Jakob, you saw what he did!" Dahlia yelled.
"Yeah..." He said nervously.
"Killian started it by pushing me." Dahlia said to everyone. "I got pay back by pushing him too. I won!"
"What exactly did you win?" Obi-Wan asked the padawans. "I can tell you." He said when Dahlia didn't reply. "You won more hardcore training."
Morgana finally climbed up from the ledge. "Master, it was all Killian's fault." She panted. "He challenged us to a race. I told him not to. I said that it was a bad idea."
"Morgana, padawans, this proved something to me. It showed me how you are still children and don't know how to follow orders very well." Obi-Wan pushed Luke and Leia forwards. "This is Luke and Leia. Their father is Anakin Skywalker, one of the best Jedi who ever lived. They have been training with their father exclusively for all their lives, but now they have joined our cause." He exclaimed. "Now, you will all run around this sinkhole."
"Um...master Kenobi." Cax stepped forward. "This circumference of the sinkhole is about 8293 feet. That's more than a mile."
"Yes, it is. Now run!" Obi-Wan smiled.
Killian and Dahlia took off in the front again.
"No funny business you two!" Morgana yelled at them.
She followed closely behind them and Jakob behind her. Iona'Ryn was running closely behind Jakob and did eventually pass him.
Jakob slowed down and ran with Luke. They attempted to have a conversation. Leia ran closely behind them and then Cax was last behind her.
This wasn't intended to be a race, but that's pretty much what it always turns into. Obi-Wan tried to tell then that this is not a completion, but they say that it is just for fun. It's friendly competition that normally ends up turning not too friendly.
Killian eventually made it back to the ships first. Dahlia ran in right after him.
"I always knew you were slow, but I didn't know you were that slow." He laughed.
"It's not my are taller than me and naturally have longer legs." She argued.
Morgana came up next.
"Well, at least you two managed to avoid tripping or pushing each other." Morgana said.
Iona'Ryn appeared next and Luke and Jakob behind him. Leia behind them and Cax was last.
"At least you guys could keep up." Killian said to the twins.
"How often do you guys practice piloting?" Luke asked. "I would beat you at that. I would beat everyone." Luke smiled.
"And do you do target practice ever?" Leia asked. "I would win that."
"We all have put specific skills. I should remind you again that it is not a competition." Obi-Wan said. "Now, who's hungry?"
They lit a fire and ate some dinner. Luke was sitting to the left of Obi-Wan.
He was eyeballing master Kenobi's scar. It traveled down through his eyebrow, past his eye, and then onto his cheek. 
"Umm...master?" Luke asked; Obi-Wan turned and looked at Luke. "How did you get that scar?" He asked.
When he asked this, everyone looked over at them. Luke looked around at everyone trying to read their expressions. Leia looked concerned. He didn't know the others well enough to tell what they were thinking.
"Well, I thought you knew that story." Obi-Wan stroked his beard, which was slowly turning white. "I'm curious to hear your father's side to this story." He said to the twins. "Well, it was about 16 years ago, a day before you two were born. Anakin and I traveled to Coruscant with an end goal of killing the chancellor. It turned out that the chancellor, the leader of our democracy, was a Sith Lord. So, Anakin and I defeated him in combat. He was a wise man and skilled warrior, but together the Jedi prevailed. We didn't leave without a parting gift. The Sith Lord Sidious cut me in the face. I guess I'm just lucky he missed my eye." Obi-Wan smiled. "It's not uncommon for Jedi have scars. I have one on my arm and leg. Master Skywalker, obviously, is missing an arm. It all depends on your strength of the force, your skills with your lightsaber, and the wisdom of your mind."
"That is how our father told the story. He said that while you were hurt, he single handedly destroyed the Sith." Luke said.
"Yes, Anakin loves the spotlight." Obi-Wan replied. "But that isn't true. We did it together. Anakin held off the Darth Sidious and I came in with the final blow."
They put out the fire and went back inside of the large ship. Obi-Wan had to return his G9 ship that he borrowed from a village in on of the near-by sinkholes. Once they did that, then they would be off to their next planet. Obi-Wan flew to the sinkhole and dropped off the ship, then the padawans picked him up in their ship.
The padawans were in the back sleeping. Morgana was in the cockpit. She always co-piloted with master Kenobi.
"Where are we heading?" She asked her master.
"How do you handle the cold?" He asked.
"It's never bothered me, master. Remember I enjoyed Ilum." She exclaimed.
"Well, I was thinking that we would stay in the outer rim for a while and train in the cold. We are heading to the Hoth system." Master Kenobi said as he hit the hyperdrive and they zoomed off into light speed.

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