Episode 4 Changes (Part Five)- Escape the Death Star

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They landed in a trash chute. At the bottom was just a lot of scrap metal and piece of who knows what. It was also filled with various fluids at the bottom as well.
"Ah..." Morgana moaned.
"Well what a wonderful plan." Han said with sass.
"We needed to get out of there and now we have to get to the hanger." Killian replied.
He pulled out his lightsaber and began cutting at the door. It was made of very tightly sealed metal.
"Can I get some help, please." Killian pleaded.
"Yes." Jakob answered.
They began cutting at the door.
Suddenly there was a noise.
"I think there is something alive in here." Leia said.
"Hurry up you guys." Iona yelled.
"We almost got it." Killian protested.
They finally cut a doorway out.
"Stand back." Killian said.
The others cleared the way. Jakob and Killian pulled the metal door put of the wall and pushed it in with the other junk.
"Let's head to the hanger." Morgana said.
They all took off their storm trooper outfits and walked down the hall.
"Who are these people you have trusted our lives too?" Leia asked Luke in a whisper.
"We needed a pilot. Master Kenobi trusts him. We haven't payed him yet. So, I guess it's good he is being nice enough to help us break into an Imperial base." Luke whispered back.
"I don't think I like him." She walked a little faster and was stopped by Chewbacca walking in front of her. "Would somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?" She said sassily, then she breezed by Chewie to walk with Morgana. "How was life without us?" Leia asked.
"It was quiet without you and Luke constantly laughing together and without Iona always running her mouth." Morgana said.
"And what about Luke?" Leia asked.
"He missed you." Morgana answered. "He is a very loyal and caring brother."
"Yes..." Leia smiled. "And you like him."
Morgana blushed. "He is nice and a good friend."
"Shh." Han hushed the padawans and had them pushed up against the wall. "There is a large group of storm troopers over there and that is the door we came in through to get to the hanger." He whispered.
"We should wait for master Kenobi." Killian proposed.
"Or we could round the corner and take care of these guys." Han said, but not as a proposal.
He took out his blaster and charged. Chewbacca followed him around the corner. The padawans joined them in the hall end and helped kill the troopers. Cax watched around the corner and kept an eye out for any more incoming enemies or their master.
"These guys are easier to beat than I thought." Iona'Ryn smiled as she pulled her shoto out of the chest of one of the storm troopers.
"Don't get cocky, kids." Han replied.
Cax turned around. "Should you have killed them?" He protested.
"It was either them or us." Killian exclaimed.
"Hello there." Master Kenobi said behind them.
"Master." They all said with joy.
"Yes. I got your lightsaber back Iona." He handed it to her.
Iona gasped. "Yes." She grabbed it. "I feel complete again."
"We should get going. I hope you put that tractor beam out of commission, old man, or this is going to be a short trip." Han said as he hit the button to open the door.
On the other side was an army of storm troopers. Han and Chewie charged out towards the Falcon. The padawans followed and pulled out their lightsabers. It was a full scale battle. Inside the Falcon, Chewbacca prepped the engines and turned on the shields. Everyone slowly flooded inside. Obi-Wan deflected bolts and Han guarded the entrance to his ship with his blaster. Morgana was the last padawan to enter the Falcon. Obi-Wan followed next and then Han. Now the storm troopers were just shooting the ship. They informed the towers outside of the hanger to shoot on sight. Han ran up to the cockpit and joined Chewbacca, who had already started to take the ship out of the hanger.
"Is everyone alright?" Master Kenobi asked.
They all confirmed that they were fine, except Morgana.
"I..." She fell to the floor.
Luke was standing near her and rushed to her aid. "Morgana." He said in shock.
Obi-Wan helped Luke pick her up. They carried her to the medical room and placed her on the bed.
"What's wrong with her?" Leia asked.
Obi-Wan looked over Morgana and discovered blood on her right thigh.
"She has been shot in the leg." He said.
"Hey!" Han yelled from the cockpit. "We are going to have some company!" He said.
"Luke and Jakob. Go defend the ship." Master Kenobi ordered.
"Now!" He shouted.
Obi-Wan wrapped up Morgana's leg and then left her to rest. The other's gathered in the cockpit, except for Luke and Jakob. They worked to shot the Tie-Fighters that were following the ship. While they were inside the Death Star, they had traveled away from Alderaan. Now they were flying back towards Alderaan in the Millennium Falcon as fast as they could. The ship jostled around as they were hit by the various enemy ships. Luke and Jakob shot back, and Han and Chewie flew swiftly towards Alderaan.
They entered the atmosphere to the planet and were followed by the last two remaining Tie-Fighters. Luke shot one and Jakob shot the last.
"That Death Star is going to target this planet." Obi-Wan said to everyone, then he pulled out the disc. "We have to get this to Bail Organa and the rebels, and then we have to launch a defense against them."
"What do you think is on the disc, master?" Luke asked.
"I don't know. All I know is, it is important." He responded.
"We're here." Han said.
He landed the Falcon in front of the rebel compound which was near the main city in Alderaan.
They all piled out of the ship like a clown car.
A man in a yellow jacket and a white helmet approached. He must have been important due to the jacket color.
"How were you able to land here? Who are you?" He asked with anger and his hand on his blaster on his belt.
"We told the tower as we were coming in who we were and they let us land." Han exclaimed.
"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi."
The rebel looked at him and then took his hand off the blaster.
He eased up. "Master Kenobi." Be nodded his head in respect.
"I need to speak with Bail Organa. I have a message for him." Master Kenobi replied.
"Of course." The rebel said. "Follow me." He walked into the compound and the others followed him.
"We better get our money." Han said and Chewie nodded.
"Yes, you will. Patience. How many credits would you like for this journey. 16000?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Yeah...that will do." Han was surprised by this number because it was a lot more than they had originally discussed.
The group was taken into a large meeting room. It was empty except for the table and chairs, of course. The group all sat down and waited for Bail Organa to enter the room. The rebel man said that it wouldn't take long.

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