Into the Water

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In the morning, they were off again. The sky was clear and there was a layer of snow on the ship. Killian and Dahlia raced to clear all the snow off of the ship. Everything was a competition for them.
They had to stop off to refuel on the planet Umbara. The local Umbarans were not very friendly, so they moved swiftly to fuel up and keep going.
They reached the water filled planet of Mon Calamari. The surface was mostly water with the occasional small island or archipelago. The water was very deep across the entire plant except for the areas near the islands, which housed some coral reefs. The people there were friendly and have always been friends to the republic and the rebellion. Obi-Wan didn't come here on a social call, though. They flew over an uninhabited area of the ocean.
"Open the door, Morgana." Obi-Wan said.
"Master?!" Morgana was confused.
"Just do it." He said firmly.
Morgana hit the button to open the door to the ship.
Down by the door, Dahlia and Killian were waiting for their instructions.
They were both leaning up against it when it suddenly opened.
They fell backwards slightly when it moved and then stood back up straight. The air current from the outside began to pull them out of the ship. They grabbed onto the walls and pulled themselves forward. The others gathers by the exit.
"I want you all to jump!" Obi-Wan yelled after he put the ship in a hovering position over the ocean.
Some of the faces were troubled by this and some were excited.
"Umm...master?!" Cax asked.
"I know what you're going to ask Cax. You're going to ask if we should suit up in these nice underwater suits we purchased a couple of years ago. That's when I say no!" Obi-Wan smiled. "Jump down and swim to the island down there!" Their master pointed to a speck on the horizon which must have been an island.
"The water should be warm and there are no dangerous creatures in this area! What are you all scared off?! Nothing hopefully because Jedi don't have fear! That's a path to the dark side kiddies."
They all had to yell over the wind.
"Master, I think everyone is nervous about the 200 foot drop!" Morgana defended them.
"Yes! That should be fun! Just land on your feet." He pushed them all closer to he exit. "Any questions?!" Their master asked.
"Yes!" Cax said.
"Good!" Obi-Wan responded, then pushed Cax off the ship.
Leia gasped.
Killian jumped after Cax fell with a flip. Dahlia was next. Iona, then Jakob.
Morgana looked at Leia. "Just focus on where and how you're going to land!" She advised.
"We've never done anything like this!" Leia shouted.
"It will be fine!" Morgana responded, then jumped off the edge.
Leia and Luke grabbed each other's hands and jumped together. Leia screamed as they fell down. Before she knew it, she was in the water. Her head burst through the surface of the ocean and she gasped for air. Leia looked to her left and saw Luke, his dirty blonde hair now wet looked light brown. Morgana was to her right. She took a few good breaths before she swam towards the horizon.
Leia looked at Luke and smiled. "That was kind of fun." She admitted.
"Yeah." He said. "Let's try to stay with the group." He suggested.
They swam toward the island in the distance. Killian and Dahlia were motoring ahead. Iona'Ryn and Jakob were behind them. Morgana and Cax took their time and paced themselves, and Luke and Leia did the same.
The felt warm at first, like their master said, but did get colder the longer they were in it. This cold, however, was nothing compared to the snow on Hoth. The risk for hypothermia was about the same both places. On Hoth, the snow suits helped lower the hypothermia level, but now they didn't have any suits.
Luke was wearing a light tan shirt and dark tan, basically, brown pants. He had a brown belt. Leia wore a long white pants-suit with a white belt and silver details down the side of each leg and around the top.
Luke caught up to Morgana. "So, do you guys take turns co-piloting?" He asked.
"No." She giggled. "No else is interested. We can do it, but I was the only one who liked it enough to co-pilot." Morgana explained.
"Well I like to fly. I'm pretty good at it too. My dad was the best pilot in the republic and the Jedi order. He taught me everything I know, but he also told me that I have in me. He said that with enough training, I could be more skilled than him." Luke boasted. "Anyways, can I co-pilot sometimes?" He asked.
Morgana stopped and looked at him for a minute. "No." She said then continued to swim.
"Not even once?" He asked.
"No." She replied again.
"Why not?!" Luke was confused and angry.
"Let me think." She slowed down her swimming. "Because I said so." She laughed then picked up her pace.
Luke frowned and Leia caught up to him.
"Why so glum, bro?" She asked.
"That Morgana! She won't let me co-pilot. I don't like her." He said.
Leia laughed. "I do...and you do too." She swam ahead.
"What do you mean?" Luke asked and chased after his sister.
Killian was first to the island followed by Dahlia right behind him.
Iona was next with Jakob behind her. Then there was Morgana, Leia, Luke, and finally Cax, who fell behind because he had to slow down his pace due to exhaustion.
They all stood on the shore, catching their breaths', and waiting for further instructions.

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