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Anakin and Obi Wan rushed back to Alderaan to deliver the good news. They landed on the landing platform connected to Bail Organa's home. They were greeted by Bail, two of his personal guard, and Anakin's two droids. Padmé wasn't there. Anakin and Obi Wan approached them, Obi Wan had tended to his arm wound while on the ship, but his face was still gashed open with a large cut down the left side, the same side of the wounded arm. It had managed to be just next to the eye.
"I hope you have brought good news." Bail looked very concerned and observed Obi Wan's face.
"We won." Anakin let out a little smile.
"He is dead. The last of the Sith is gone." Obi Wan said respectfully.
"Good. That is great news. We will celebrate." Bail smiled, but then it quickly faded.
"Yes, where is Padmé?" Anakin asked eagerly.
"She went into labor about ten minutes ago." Bail replied.
Anakin was shocked; it was earlier than expected. "I must go to her." He started to panic.
"Of course. She is in her room and being tended by a nurse and medical droid. Follow me." Bail turned and headed inside his large, beautiful home.
They walked across the open big open seating room and up the elegant stairs. Anakin followed Bail down the hall. They entered Padme's room that Bail had given for her to stay in while she waited for her husband to return.
"She is in here." Bail motioned to the door to the bedroom.
"Thank you." Anakin swiftly opened the door and closed it behind himself.
Bail turned to Obi Wan. "I take it that master Skywalker is the father."
"Yes. They have had a secret relationship for years." Obi Wan responded to the curious senator.
Padmé looked at the door when it opened. She saw her husband enter with a nervous look on his cute face.
"Ani." She smiled.
"Padmé!" Anakin rushed to his wife's side, who was lying in the bed. "How are you?"
"I'm fine. What happened? I'm happy you are here, but tell me what happened?" She begged.
"We won. We did. Obi Wan was a little injured, but he will be fine. It's all over. The Sith is dead." Anakin smiled. "And now our baby is being born."
"That is good news Anakin..." She paused for a second. "But you should know, it's not just one baby...the doctor droid said I was carrying twin." She looked nervous.
"What? This is amazing! Double the miracle! You look concerned." He kissed his wife's forehead.
"I'm just nervous." Padmé winced; s contraction.
She was breathing deeply. "I'm here, Padmé. Everything will be fine. We are going to do this together. With all the Jedi and Sith gone, I will be a father to our children. I will be a proper husband. Obi Wan will be the teacher and find new younglings. My place is at your side." He kissed her cheek and helped her through the process.
They were born, two wonderful and healthy babies. The first out was a boy named Luke and next was a girl named Leia.

When news of the emperor's death broke out, Admiral Tarkin took the plans for the Death Star. He assumed power over the imperial empire and took the loyalty of the clone troopers, who were now the storm troopers. He worked on the building of the Death Star along side Director Orson Krennic and Galen Erso. The rebel alliance formed with Bail Organa's rebels and Saw Gerrera's rebels joining forces. They were set on taking down the empire. It wasn't as strong without a Sith Lord on their side, but the rebels also didn't have the support of any Jedi.

Obi Wan left Anakin and Padmé in search of new younglings. They went back to Naboo to raise their children. Anakin was to teach them both the way of the force. Obi Wan was to find new force sensitive children in the galaxy to become the generation of Jedi. The Rebel alliance had to fend for itself. Padmé, Anakin, and Obi Wan were in full support of their cause, but didn't do much to help with the fighting. Tarkin took over a new system each day and the Rebels did everything they could to stop him.

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