Episode 4 Changes (Part Four)- The Death Star

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So there they were. Han's plan may have been the worse plan in the galaxy. They were all dressed in storm trooper outfits. None of them fit correctly and they left the five troopers knocked out on the floor without their armor. Chewie was the only one that defiantly wouldn't fit in armor.
"What do we do about Chewbacca?" Killian asked Han.
He grumbled in retort.
"I'm more concerned about this helmet not fitting." Dahlia said while trying to fit it on over her two head points.
"Yeah and that armor is massive on you, little girl." Killian laughed.
She made a face.
"He is right." Morgana said.
"My plan isn't finished." Han said.
He pulled out a pair of binders from his new suit. Han put them around Chewbacca's wrists. They didn't fit perfectly, but it worked.
"We should do that to Dahlia too." Killian proposed.
"Yeah, you would enjoy that." Dahlia snickered.
"I'm serious. That outfit is not convincing and, yes, I would love to see you in handcuffs." He smirked.
She grumbled. "Fine." She began to take the armor back off.
Morgana took the binders from her suit and put them all Dahlia.
"So we are going to pretend they are our prisons?" Luke asked with his helmet on.
"Yep." Han replied. "Follow me."
They walked through the halls. Killian was tall, but not as tall as a storm trooper and Luke was the same. Morgana was shorter though. They blended in well with the uniforms, but if you look at them closely, you could see the obvious height difference. Then, of course, they were also traveling with a giant Wookie and a small Togruta.
"Do you think there is a map anywhere?" Killian asked.
"No. Probably not." Han answered.
They approached an elevator and the door opened. Two men walked out, looked them over, and then kept walking with weird looks on their faces. Do they all crammed into the elevator.
"I can't see a thing in this helmet." Luke said.
"My guess is that the detention level is lower." Han said.
"So what are we going to do?" Dahlia asked. "Just open the elevator on every floor and look for the correct floor?"
"Yep." Han replied.
The elevator went down.
The first floor it opened up to was just another hallway. The next was also more hallways. The next looked like some sort of meeting room. And then the door opened into a dark room filled with troopers and officers.
They walked out casually.
"Where are you taking this...thing?" One of the officers asked.
"And the girl too." Another said. "Who is she?"
"They are rebels, sir. We are doing a prisoner transfer." Han answered.
"I wasn't notified of any transfer." The Imperial officer replied. "I'll have to clear it."
The other officer checked out Chewbacca's binders and then he broke loose. Chewbacca walked the officer in the face. Han started to shoot out the cameras in the room. The padawans got busy on killing the troopers and officers. They pulled out their lightsabers and deflected the blasts from the guards. They then killed them all.
"At least we were trained well." Morgana said. "Practicing in those large snow suits on Hoth." 
"Oh no." Han walked behind the control panel and saw the communicator beeping. "You go back and find your friends." Han said.
He attempted to avoid trouble from the Imperials by telling them that everything was fine.
"It was just a weapons malfunction." He lied to them.
Chewbacca guarded the entry to the long hallway that the padawans traveled down.
"How do we know what room they're in?" Dahlia asked.
"I'll use the force to sense my sister." Luke answered.
He was like a metal-detector walking down the hall with his arm raised. They approved a cell with the number 2187.
Luke looked it over. "She's in here." He used the force to open the door.
Leia jumped up in terror. "Aren't you a little short to be a storm trooper?"
"What? Oh, the helmet." Luke took it off.
"Luke!" She ran over and hugged her brother.
Morgana and Killian walked in and took their helmets off. Dahlia came in too.
"Where are the others?" Dahlia asked.
"They are all to the left of me in different rooms." Leia answered. "Where is master Kenobi?" She asked.
"The ship we came in is trapped by a tractor beam. He is turning it off and will meet us back in the hanger." Killian explained.
Morgana and Dahlia worked to release the others. Now they were all together again. The padawans were all given their lightsabers back.
"Sorry, Iona. They took one of your lightsabers. All we have is your shoto." Killian said as he handed Iona her small, yellow-green bladed lightsaber.
The reunion was short lived.
"We've got company!" Han yelled down the hall.
"Who is that?" Leia asked.
"He's the pilot that flew us here." Luke answered.
Han was shooting at the door where troopers were flooding in. Chewie was helping, but they were being overwhelmed.
Killian pulled out his lightsaber.
"No! Killian, we can't. The less we use our lightsabers, the better." Morgana stopped him.
"Yes, remember, secrecy." Cax restated what Morgana was saying.
"I wasn't going to fight." He moved over to the wall and started to cut through a grate. He cut a square hole and pushed it in.
"Shall we escape?" He said.
Killian jumped down the mysterious hole. Dahlia followed behind him. Han and Chewbacca were pushed back further down the hall in retreat. Morgana jumped down and Luke followed. Leia jumped down next.
"Get in the hole." Chewbacca growled in retort. "I don't care what you smell!" Han yelled and then pushed Chewie into the hole.
Han jumped down after him.

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