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As they finished eating their dinner, Obi-Wan began to explain some things to Luke and Leia. They listened intently and patiently; surprised by the secret, but also intrigued.
"So we are going to travel with you and your other Jedi to learn and be trained." Luke tried to clarify.
"Yes Luke." Obi-Wan said.
"What about our life here? Our parents and friends?" Leia asked.
"You'll have to say goodbye to your friends and you can't tell them what up are doing. We have been able to hide this Jedi training from the empire with the rebellion distracting them. Your parents can't be in any contact with you unless they go to Alderaan and use Bail Organa's secretly coded transmission." Obi-Wan explained.
Luke and Leia sat back and thought about this for a minute.
"Now, both of you don't have to go." Anakin said to his children. "But if Luke goes, then you will be without Leia. Or if Leia goes, then Luke will be here with us and we will have limited contact. Or you can both go, fight for peace like I did before." Anakin said.
"Why can't you come with us Dad?" Luke asked.
"Well, I'm not the best teacher, at least not compared to Obi-Wan." Anakin smiled at his old master. "And besides, we can't leave your mother completely alone."
There was another pause in conversation. 3PO entered the room and started to clean the table.
Padmé got up. "Let's help clean the table." She was talking to Obi-Wan and Anakin. "We'll Luke and Leia to discuss this."
After the table was cleared and adults were out of the room, Luke and Leia talked.
"Leia, part of me has always wanted to fight in the rebellion. I want to be a pilot and a Jedi like our father before us." Luke said.
"But I wanted to be a senator like mother. She says I can do it." Leia said.
Luke pulled out his lightsaber.
"Luke! You're not supposed to have that. Mom and dad don't like us to carry them around, you know that."
"I know you have yours too." Luke smiled.
Leia placed her lightsaber in the table.
"This weapon is your life." Luke said. "That is what Dad tells us everyday of training. That means that your life is being a Jedi. I know you might be scared or angry or whatever, but we have to do this. We need to do our duty to free the galaxy." Luke argued.
Leia put her lightsaber back on the belt of her long white dress.
"Aren't you scared?" Leia asked in a quieter tone then normal.
"Of course, but I'm a Jedi. We don't get to be scared."

They were packed, very lightly, and ready to leave by the afternoon on the next day. They said their goodbyes to their friends saying that they were moving to another part of the planet to go to a special school. Now they just had to say goodbye to their amazing parents.
They were standing outside of the G9 Rigger Freighter that Obi-Wan flew in with their parents. Obi-Wan was preparing the engines inside.
"Luke, protect your sister." Anakin said.
"Yes, and Leia don't let Luke do anything crazy." Padmé smiled.
They hugged each other, Padmé with Leia and Anakin with Luke, then they switched.
"Remember, your lightsaber..."
"Is our life." Luke and Leia said in sync to finish their father's sentence.
Anakin smiled.
As Luke and Leia walked towards the ship, Padmé watched with tears beginning to flow down her cheeks.
"May the force be with you." Anakin said to his children.
They waved as the door to the ship closed behind them.

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