Episode 4 Changes (Part Seven)- Destruction of the Empire

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The Death Star traveled slowly towards a position where it could destroy Alderaan. It also charged up it's laser to full power. The Death Star had previously used it's laser at about a ten percent charge on Jehda and Scarif. The planets had a permanent creator on them where they were originally hit. There were some cracks coming from that hole and some of the ridges travel completely across the planet.
The X-Wings flew swiftly to apprehend the Death Star.
"X-Wings, check in." The red leader said to his squad.
"Roger Red Leader. Red One standing-by."
"Red Two here." Morgana said.
"Red Three standing-by." Iona'Ryn said next.
Killian followed with, "Red Four ready."
"Red Five standing-by." Luke followed him.
"Red Six here." Jakob said after Luke.
"Red Seven ready to fly." The last pilot checked in.
"We are all good, Gold Leader." The red leader checked in.
"We are all good here too, red leader." The gold leader replied. "Assume attack position." The fighters did as they were told. "There it is. Flying in." Gold leader said next.
He was leading in front followed by his squad and then the red squad. 
The fighter broke off and headed down to the surface of the Death Star.
"Watch those towers." The red leader warned.
The ships zipped by the towers and avoided the blasts. They flew closer to the trench.
"I see incoming fighters." Gold leader announced to the group.
About ten Tie-Fighters flew over to the squads.
They scattered to draw out the enemy. The Tie-Fighters picked their targets and followed them, shooting as best they could. The X-Wings moved to avoid the shots.
"There is one on my tail...I can't shake him." Iona'Ryn as beginning to panic.
"I'm behind you." Jakob said.
He flew in behind Iona and shot down the fighter.
"Thanks." He replied.
"There is one on you, Morgana." Luke warned.
"I can't see it." She answered.
"I got it." Luke responded.
He flew over to Morgana and shot the Tie-Fighter on its wing. It spun downwards and crashed in a large fireball on the surface of the space station.
"Thank you, Luke." She said.
"Of course." He replied.
"We are approaching the trench." Gold leader said to both squads.
"More incoming fighters." Red leader replied.
"I see them." Gold leader replied.
"There is one behind me!" A gold fighter was starting to panic.
"Where are you?!" Another asked.
"I'm...I'm hit!" He yelled back.
His fighter exploded.
"There is one on me too." Another gold fighter said.
"I see you." Luke responded.
He flew up behind the gold fighter and attempted to shoot down the Tie-Fighter.
"I can't get him!" Luke yelled.
"Ahh!" The other pilot screamed.
His fighter was hit on the side and spiraled out of control. It crashed into the Death Star and exploded.
Luke took a deep breath in.
"Let's take turns flying into the trench. Three at a time." The gold leader proposed.
"Roger gold leader." Red leader replied. "Squad, let the gold try first. We will cover from above."
Three gold fighters flew into the trench. They traveled through and were suddenly hit by a large tower gun. The fighter in front was hit and exploded. The others veered to avoid the wreckage. Then the others were destroyed by two more towers.
"They're gone." Gold leader said sadly. "I'll go in next." He flew into the trench with the last remaining gold fighters.
"Watch those towers boys." Gold leader advised as they flew through the trench.
They avoided the towers and continued on through.
"There are fighters coming in behind you." Red leader warned. "We couldn't get them all."
"Roger Red leader." He replied.
The fighters came down into the trench and pursued the X-Wings. One of the gold fighters was shot down. The other two sped up.
"We are coming up on the exhaust port." Gold leader said to his other fighter.
"That won't matter when those other fighters shoot us down." The other pilot complained.
"Just stay on target." Gold leader said.
They continued down the trench.
"They are getting closer." He warned.
"Stay in target." Gold leader repeated.
"But they are going to shot us."
"Stay in target!" Gold leader yelled.
The last gold squad member was shot down and then gold leader was shot down too.
The red squad took a minute to think about their next move.
They shot down the remaining Tie-Fighters.
"Let's go into the trench." Red leader said to the squad.
He moved into the trench and was followed by Killian and Jakob.
They moved down the trench and avoided the towers.
Luke, Iona, Morgana, and the two remaining red pilots, red one and red seven, were stopping all the Tie-Fighters from entering the trench.
"We are approaching the exhaust port." Red leader said.
They kept going and got to their target. Red leader shot his proton torpedoes into the hole and they all pulled up and away.
"It didn't hit. It was a miss." Red leader said sadly.
"I'm going in now." Luke said.
"More fighters coming." Jakob said.
Red leader, Killian, Jakob, Morgana, and Iona helped fend off fighters, while Luke and the other two red squad members flew into the trench.
"Luke, pull out your camera." Red Seven advised.
Luke was about to do as he was told, but then he thought differently. His father always said that a good pilot could fly using only the force to guide them.
"Luke?" Red Seven asked with concern.
"It's okay. Trust me." Luke replied. They got past the towers and then in came the fighters.
"Luke, we can't keep them all off you! There are too many!" Morgana yelled.
Before Luke knew it, Red One and Seven were gone. I was just him and the Tie-Fighters in the trench. He was quickly approaching the exhaust port, but was ok concerned with the enemy ships behind him to focus on the shot. Suddenly, the fighters were shot and destroyed behind him.
"Yahooo!" Han shouted as he flew by in the Falcon. "You're all clear kid." He said to Luke. "Now let's blow this thug and go home."
Luke shot off his torpedoes into the hole and they went in. The X-Wings and the Millennium Falcon flew away from the Death Star and it blew up behind them.
Tarkin was aboard and his tyranny was now over.

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