Episode 4 Changes (Part Two)- The Desert Planet

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Chaos unfolded. The troopers had good aim and the padawans were struggling with the actual competition. They split in half. One half took on about fifteen and the other half took on the half of the troopers.
The first group was Killian, Dahlia, Morgana, and Luke. Master Kenobi was also with them, but he didn't fight very much to due his aging body. The other group was Iona'Ryn, Cax, Jakob, and Leia.
The other ship that landed sent their troops to this area as well, except all thirty of them went towards the second group. Before they knew it, Iona, Cax, Jakob, and Leia were taken into the enemy ship and were taken off the planet.
After the others killed all of the other troops, they looked around to see an empty battle field.
"I saw the ship take off in retreat." Killian said.
"My guess is that it took my other padawans." Obi-Wan frowned.
"What?!" Luke asked in a panic seeing that Leia was one of the missing. "How do you know?"
"Well they are gone and their lightsabers are all in the sand over there." Obi-Wan pointed. "Just don't know why they empire didn't take those."
"They did. Only one of Iona's is here. They must have taken the other." Morgana said whilst observing the pile; she picked up all of the lightsabers.
"I don't understand why you aren't panicked?!" Luke shouted.
"We have to remain calm and focus on the task at hand. We will find then we just have to take it one step at a time. We need to find a ship and get off this dust hole." Master Kenobi said. He started to walk east and just kept going.
The others followed behind him.
"We will find your sister, Luke. Don't worry too much. She is strong." Morgana had her hand on one of Luke's shoulders.
"Yeah..." He was unsure.
"I see something." Obi-Wan said from the front.
The others gathered around him. They were on a cliffs edge. Down in below was a city.
"Finally." Luke sighed.
"What city is that, master?" Dahlia asked.
"I have no idea." He replied. "Let's go down and find out."
They scaled down the cliff and walked into the city. It was larger than they expected.
"Now what, master?" Morgana asked.
"We find a ship." He said.
"We can't buy one." Killian said. "We don't have enough money."
"We have to hire a pilot. We'll pay them when we reach Alderaan." Obi-Wan said.
"What about Leia and the others?" Luke asked, still worried about his sister.
"Patience Luke. First we must get to safety and bring these important plans to Alderaan. A man died for them and so did everyone in that ship." He exclaimed. "One step at a time. Now let's find a ship." Master Kenobi walked into the nearest cantina and then walked back out. "You all stay out here. I'm going to find a pilot."
Luke leaned up against the wall to the building and Morgana sat down next to him. Dahlia and Killian both leaned against the wall a little bit further from them.
They engaged in conversation and were playfully hitting each other. They seemed in high spirits, which was something Luke didn't understand. Morgana pulled on his shirt. "Come sit next to me. You have to calm down."
He sat down. "I just can't stop thinking about Leia. What if she's..."
"Luke, they wouldn't have bothered to take them prisoner if they were just going to kill them. Besides, don't you have like a brother and sister force connection or something. Couldn't you tell if she was hurt or dead."
Luke thought about that for a second and searched his feelings; he could feel that Leia was scared but she was fine. "You're right." He said to Morgana.
"I just need to distract you with something." She smiled.
They then lances over at Dahlia and Killian when they heard Dahlia scream. He was tickling her, which might have been a little childish, but was kinda cute.
"Well they couldn't make that more obvious." Morgana said.
"What?" Luke asked.
"They like each other." Morgana stated.
"Oh..." Luke blushed and smiled.
"We've all been waiting for then just to admit it. I bet Killian will make the first move." Morgana said.
"I'll take that bet." Luke responded.
"Really?" Morgana giggled.
"Yeah. What do you say, 10 credits?" Luke smiled.
"10 credits that Killian will make the first move." Morgana said.
"Yeah, but I think that it will be Dahlia first." Luke replied.
"Ok, you're on." Morgana put out her hand to shake Luke's.
He put his hand into hers and shook it. They kinda held their hands like that for a second then.
"I've got a ship." Obi-Wan said as he came around the corner.
Morgana and Luke quickly dropped hands and stood up. Dahlia and Killian joined them.

They met the pilot in the hanger with his ship.
"We are flying in that thing?" Luke asked. "It's a piece of junk." He complained.
"Well how else do you plan to get to Alderaan." An unfamiliar voice said.
The man came out of the ship. He had long messy brown hair, brown eyes, and was very tall. He was handsome in a scruffy kind of way. He was about ten years older than the padawans.
"I happen to fly this ship and it is the fastest in the galaxy. This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs! Her name is the Millennium Falcon." He passionately defended his ship.
"And you are?" Killian asked.
"I'm Han Solo." A large Wookie walked out of the ship as well. "This is my co-pilot Chewbacca."
There was silence. Everyone was surveying each other.
"Well, are we ready to go." Han asked.
They followed him inside of the Falcon.
"You just get comfortable and I will take you to Alderaan. And then I get my money." He said while looking at Obi-Wan

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