The Battle to End All Battles

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Anakin got off of the ship first. He knew what he had to do. Obi Wan waited patiently on the shuttle. Anakin approached the four troopers standing next to the transport.
"We are here to transport you to the emperor, my lord." The commanding trooper said.
"That won't be necessary." Anakin said.
"Sir...we are here to transport you. We are you escort...your protection." The trooper replied.
"Protection?! You don't think I can protect myself?!" Anakin faked anger.
"No, sir. Of course not. We are just following orders." The trooper got very nervous.
"Who's we?" Anakin smiled as he lowers his force choking hand.
The trooper slowly turned around to look at his comrades. They were all dead on the platform. He turned back to face Anakin, but instead he saw a blue lightsaber. Anakin stabbed the trooper in the gut then pushed him down on the platform.
Obi appeared next to Anakin. "So uncivilized." He said.
"Master, I know they are just men, but they are programmed to serve the emperor." Anakin argued. "We must go." Anakin jumped into the driver's seat of the speeder and Obi Wan climbed into the back to hide.
They sped to the senate building. Anakin knew a secret landing platform and entrance that would probably have a camera, but no troops. Obi Wan was dropped off there. He put up his hood and snuck inside. Anakin drove back around to the front. They planned to meet up at the chancellor's office, but that meant that Obi Wan had to make his way in secret all the way up there.
Anakin walked up to the chancellor's office and met Obi Wan, who was hiding behind a statue. He popped out when Anakin approached.
"Good job, master." Anakin said, impressed by Obi Wan's abilities of stealth.
"Did you ever doubt me?" He smiled as he prepared for battle.
"No, of course not." Anakin took off his black robe.
"Do you have a specific way you'd like to do this?" Obi Wan asked.
"Yeah, we take him together." Anakin nodded, then used the force to open the door to the room.
They walked in to find the chancellor looking over the plans for the Death Star. His back was facing the door. Anakin and Obi Wan approached his desk and he was still turned away from them.
"I suppose you have chosen where your loyalties lie." The emperor said as his chair turned to face the Jedi. "You have chosen to be weak over being strong."
"I have chosen peace and love, two words that mean nothing to you." Anakin responded with strength.
Obi Wan and Anakin both pulled out there blue lightsabers and assumed their battle positions. Obi Wan pulls his right arm back behind his head with his lightsaber in hand pointing out toward his enemy. He also fully extends out his left arm and has to fingers on his hand standing up. Anakin placed both hands on his lightsaber and has it placed behind his head.
Palpatine stood up. "If this is how it will be, then so be it." He stated.
Suddenly two red lightsabers appeared in Palpatine's hands. He took a swing with each lightsaber at each Jedi from across his deck. Anakin and Obi Wan both blocked the emperors attack. They pulled back a little and allowed the emperor to walk out from behind his deck. The fight began.
They all clashed lightsabers at least 50 times before any progress happened.
The emperor was very skilled and his strength almost matched that of Obi Wan and Anakin's combined. It requires much skill, strength, and stamina. Anakin's blue lightsaber hit Sidious's red lightsaber so hard that the old man dropped it on the ground. Sidious took a swing at Anakin with his other lightsaber without Anakin noticing. It would have hit him if Obi Wan had not used the force to push the Sith Lord back. The startled Sith backed away for a second to recollect himself.
He pressed his attack once more. Growing weaker due to his older age and his lack of two lightsabers, the Sith Lord was struggling to keep up he fight. He was fighting while surveying for an escape to run, like most Sith cowards do. They were now in the hallway that lead to the hallway that lead to the chancellor's office.
Anakin moved in on the emperor. They clashed sabers and Obi Wan came in on the left. He was in full charge. Anakin was pushed back by the Sith Lord, so when Obi Wan reached him, he was ready to defend himself. The emperor and Obi Wan clashed sabers and Obi Wan's lightsaber was pushed to the side. The emperor to a slice toward Obi Wan, who towards the floor in an effort to avoid the blade. It hit him. Obi Wan's face and arm were grazed by the blade. He fell to the floor and let out a little scream of agony. Anakin jumped over to the Sith Lord. They continued combat until they were caught in a hold. Both were lightsabers hit and they held them in that position. Anakin was gritting his teeth and pushed with all his night against the Sith Lords blade. The emperor was laughing with a joyous evil grimace upon his aging face. Anakin was losing his hold and was about to lose it completely when Obi Wan jumped up. He used his lightsaber to impale the emperor. His face changed instantly. Anakin watched as the face turned from an evil and happy grin to a surprised a depressed frown. The Sith's blade retracted and Anakin backed away. Obi Wan pulled his lightsaber out of the former supreme chancellor of the senate and fell to the ground in pain and relief.

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