A Leader

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Master Kenobi and landed their ship in the island. When he saw all the padawans had made it safe and sound to the island, he walked out to greet them.
"Good job. I see no one died...but you're all wet." He smiled.
"Yeah...it's kinda wet in the ocean. Do you want to check it out?!" Killian snapped.
"Well, someone doesn't like being wet." Obi-Wan turned to Luke and Leia.
"And how are you holding up?" He asked.
"Fine, master Kenobi." Luke said while ringing his shirt.
"It's harder work than I thought it would be, but I'm okay." Leia said.
Morgana was squeezing her long dark brown hair. "They are strong."
"Yes..." Obi-Wan said. "Well, today we are going to do a challenge that involves the practice droids. I've set them up around this little island. There are twenty in total. They are separated out in groups of four. At each station is a flag. You will work as a group to destroy all of the enemies and capture all the flags. This is not a completion." He looks at Killian and Dahlia. "I repeat, this is not a completion!" Obi-Wan looked over the entire group. "Work together."
"Everyone follow my lead." Killian said.
"Who died and name you leader?" Morgana asked.
"Luca." Killian said.
Iona gasped. "What?!" She then accosted Killian and hit him in the face. "How dare you say that?! You know what he meant to her!" Iona yelled.
"Hey that hurt. I was only speaking the truth." Killian walked away and sat down on a rock. "When you all are ready to start this challenge, then gather around."
"Morgana..." Iona'Ryn turned to her friend who had her head down.
"I'm fine...Killian is a good leader. He's kept us alive this long. I've...I just wanted to lead this one." She said.
Luke and Leia were watching the whole thing awkwardly. They wanted to ask about this Luca, but it seemed to be a touchy subject. It seemed like a thing to ask master Kenobi about.
"You know what?" Leia said. "You should lead this one."
"Yeah and Killian is going to let me do that." Morgana sounded very upset.
"He is stubborn, but not cruel." Leia replied.
"True." Morgana said.
"He will let you do this once." Leia said. "And if he doesn't then I will force him to." She smiled and walked over towards Killian.
"What do you think she is saying to him?" Iona'Ryn asked.
"Probably saying something about politics and then will manipulate his mind to her will." Luke responded.
"Can she really do that?" Morgana asked.
"Hell no. I have no idea what she is saying." Luke laughed.
"Hey Killian." Leia said as she approached.
"Leia. You ready to do this challenge, great. How about the others?" He asked.
"I'm not and neither are they...not with you leading the way." Leia said sternly.
"Oh..." Killian's face fell. "Why does she want to lead so badly?!"
"Why can't you just let her lead once?!" Leia asked.
They stood quietly for a moment.
Killian stood up.
He walked over to Morgana and Leia followed behind him.
"Fine. You can be the leader today., but today only." Killian said.
"Really?!" Morgana smiled.
"Yes, now lead us." He replied.
"Ok." Morgana took a few steps forward and turned to face her audience; all the others gathered around. "Alright. Well we are going to work together to do this. We are going to divide and conquer. There are four flags so we will do four pairs. I'm going to pick the pairs, which you all shouldn't care about because we are all friends. So...um...Dahlia and Jakob, Cax and Killian, Leia and Iona, and Luke and myself." Morgana turned and smiled at Luke. "Retrieve your flag, work together, and return back here once you have completed your task." Everyone stood still for a moment. "Let's go!" Morgana yelled.
She had changed from when she was younger. Before she very quiet and likes to keep to herself. Now, Morgana was more open. She defiantly had the qualities of a leader, but wasn't the best at showing it. At least she could fly well.

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