Episode 4 Changes (Part Three)- New Pilot

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They flew to Alderaan.
"We are approaching the Alderaan system." Han Solo said over the speakers.
Luke and Morgana were playing a game Dejarik on a hologram table. She was doing whatever possible to distract him.
Luke's face suddenly fell.
"What's wrong?" Morgana asked with concern. "Are you really that upset to be losing?" She smiled.
"I feel her. Leia...she's close." Luke stated.
Suddenly, it felt like the ship was hit by something. Alderaan was just ahead of them and they were slowly being pulled backwards.
Everyone rushed to the cockpit.
"What is going on?" Obi-Wan asked.
"I don't know! Chewie, turn the ship around! I want to see what we're dealing with." Han demanded. "Something has got us trapped in a tractor beam!"
When the ship turned around, they saw a large round gray object in front of them that was getting closer.
"It looks like some sort of moon, but how can a moon have a tractor beam?!" Han was furiously trying to break loose of it's hold.
"That's no moon. It's a space station." Obi-Wan clarified; he observed Han's efforts to escape the beam. "Don't fight it, you can't win. Let them take us."
"Alright, old man. I hope you have a plan for once we get inside that thing." Han said.
"Leia is in there." Luke said.
"Yes." Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "And the others too."
"This is more than I bargained for." Han relaxed back in his chair.
"I will make sure you get more money." Obi-Wan responded.
The ship was pulled into a hanger. Inside were multiple storm troopers. Han made sure the ship was landed correctly then joined the others. He had them all hide some hidden cargo holds. He jumped into the hole with Chewie and master Kenobi.
They could barely see through the holes in the grates covering them, but they could hear the footsteps above their heads. Troops came in and out.
"I want this ship scanned for life forms." They heard one of the men say.
The ship was empty of troops, so they made their escape.
Luke helped Morgana out of the hole.
"Boy, it's lucky you have these compartments." He said.
"I use them for smuggling. I never thought I'd be smuggling myself in them. This is ridiculous." Han said while looking at master Kenobi.
He ignored the pilot. "We need to figure out a plan of escape that is discreet before they come back."
"Do you have a back door?" Killian asked Han.
"It's a ship not a house." Han snarked.
Chewbacca roared and pointed upwards.
"There is a hatch in the top of the ship. We use it to get up there to do repairs." Han exclaimed.
"Good. We'll go up there." Obi-Wan said.
Han lead them to a ladder that lead up to a closed hatch. They crawled up and through. Once in the top they layer on their stomachs in an attempt to not be seen.
"We are going to get spotted." Dahlia whispered.
"Maybe. Just let me think." Master Kenobi whispered to the group as he surveyed the hanger.
He waddled over to the edge of the ship and looked down. He didn't see any troopers, so he jumped down. The others followed quickly and quietly.
Obi-Wan looked around there was a door across the hanger, but it was a good distance away.
"Look both ways before you cross." Obi-Wan whispered.
He looked to the left and then to the right. He scurried over to the door and ducked into the doorway. Killian, Morgana, Luke, and Dahlia followed. Han was about to cross over when he saw some troops coming from the right. He squished close to the ship and watched them walk by. All they had to do was look left to see him and Chewie, or look right to see the others. The troopers were talking about something and than kept walking by. They walked around to the front of the Falcon. With that, the coast was clear. Han and Chewbacca crossed over to the others.
"How do you plan to open the door now, old man?" Han asked while observing the locked door.
"Like this." Obi-Wan waved his hand over the keypad and the door opened.
The back thing was, there was a small group of storm troopers on the other side.
The padawans acted quickly. They all used the force to avoid the noise with the lightsabers.
"Heyahh." One of them shouted as he was forced into a choke hold by Killian. He raised two in the air and then knocked their heads together. Obi-Wan pushed one against the wall, Morgana pushed one back against a wall as well, and Dahlia pushed the last one back onto the floor.
Han stood quiet in amazement. "I prefer to use a blaster." He shrugged his shoulder than climbed over the bodies.
He walked to the corner and checked around. It was all clear.
"We need to find Leia and the others." Luke said again.
"Yes. They are probably holding them in the detention area." Master Kenobi said.
"Yes and once we rescue your little friends, how are we going to leave?" Han asked.
Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "I will handle that. I will turn off the tractor beam holding us here." He said, then he turned to the padawans. "You all be careful. Find the others quickly and quietly, then return to the hanger. I will meet you all here."
They nodded at their master and watched him walk away.
"How are we going to sneak though this Imperial storm trooper filled death trap?!" Luke asked while obviously still in panic.
"I'm more interested in how the rebels stole that disc from the empire and now we've brought it right back to them. And they have no idea." Killian laughed.
"What disc?" Han asked.
"The rebels stole some information from the empire." Morgana explained. "We are meant to bring it to them."
"Well this certainly has put a damper in your plan." Han said.
"We have to get to the detention block to save our friends." Dahlia said. "I'm just curious on how we will get there undetected."
"Don't worry about it." Han smirked. "I have a plan."

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