Chapter 4

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( A/N 2 hours before the dinner)

{Matthew's Pov}

Natalie,Cameron Dallas, and me we're all in the car Cameron is a cool guy. We got along great he is even on the football team along with Luke.

Cameron said I would have to come over and hang out with that he left. Natalie's mom asked if my family and I would like to come over for dinner and get to know each other. I told her that would be nice. I told her where a live an turns out I live right across from them. "thank you Mrs.Woods for driving me home" I said "anytime just tell Natalie if you need a ride home!" she said I walked across the street to my house.

This is the biggest house my family has lived in its 2 stories. I walked in and said " I'm home" no one answered I guess no ones home yet. I text my brother Dylan and ask him where he is and mom and dad.

Where are you,mom and dad I had to walk home from football practices and they don't have buses after 4:30!! And we are invited to go over to our neighbors house for dinner.

Dude chill. I'm out with a couple of new friends I made and mom is at work and so is dad. I'm coming home bye!

Dylan can be such a jerk. I need to get ready. We have to be there in an hour wow time flys. My family gets home and we all get ready to go over to the woods house.

{Natalie's Pov}

Cam left to change since we had a pizza sauce fight and I am left alone to clean up the kitchen thankfully I have an hour to get ready!

It's 5 now I really need to change. My mom told me I had to kick jacob off the x-box he was pissed at me but I don't care.

I took a shower then got ready. I don't really wear make up I only wear mascara and chap stick. I put on black jeans and a shirt that is galaxy print and a neckless that has a paper air plane on it and curled my hair and put on and galaxy head band and put in diamonds ear rings.

It took me 45 mins to get ready 15 mins to till Matt and his family gets here.

"I'm here!!" said Cam. He's such a dork. "I'm in my room Cam" I said I heard him run up my stairs. He slammed threw the door almost knocking my door down.

We talked about Luke and Laura. Cam really does love Laura they have been dating for only 3 months but they do love each other you can see it by they look at each.

The door bell rang and that's when the madness began. "Hi mr. And mrs. Espinosa and Matthew!" I said I invited them into our house and showed them were the living room is and kitchen.

"Wow what happened to the kitchen?" asked Jacob "oops look like I forgot to clean the bar stools" I said I yelled at Cameron to get down here and help me.

My mom and dad were talking to Matthews parents. Matthew offered to help but we said no thank you.

"Maybe you should lighten up Natalie" said Cam " Maybe I'm mad because my mom doesn't even care that Luke an I have been together for 4 months!".

We got done with cleaning the rest and had pizza for dinner. We had to order it because we wasted all the pizza sauce. We all ate in the living room getting to know each other. I didn't know Matthew played football at his old school and was on A team and he is trying out here!

My mom being nosey ask why they moved to Texas all the way from New York.

"well we umm... Had to get out of New York because... We had a uhh... Problem there and needed a fresh new start." said mrs. Espinosa I could tell Matthew wasn't very happy when his mom said why they moved.

"It wasn't my fault okay!" with that Matthew ran outside of my house and slammed the door shut "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause a problem" said my mom almost in tears. She gets upset easily.

I told cam to stay here and I would be back in a bit I had my iPhone5c with me and went to find Matthew. I ran to the park and found Matt sitting on the swings crying. I have never seen a guy cry so this must be bad.

"Hey Matt you okay?" I said "umm yeah" he said "you want to talk about it?" I asked "no not really" he said wiping the tear away.

"Please Matt don't cry I know I just met you today but I hate to see people cry!" and that's when I started to cry. He lifted up my chin so we were looking in each others eyes. Wow his eyes are amazing.

" Natalie please don't cry because of me " well it's hard because I don't know why you ran out of my house crying and I want to know why so I can help you through what ever is hurting you" and then I felt like I was crying a river ( a/n Get what I did there! Okay maybe not)

{Matthew's Pov}

I was very mad when my mom told the woods and cam why we moved. I didn't want anyone to know why we moved I want that to stay in my past. I ran out of their house and ran to the park. I saw Natalie running towards me. (A/n okay I'm going to skip the part were they we're talking and start were Matt lifted Natalie's chin up.)

I lifted up Natalie's chin so we see in eye others eyes. Man does she have beautiful eyes! "Natalie please don't cry because of me" I said " well it's hard because I don't know why you ran out of my house crying and I want to know why so I can help you get through what ever is hurting you" she said. I think I should tell her why I ran out of her house ." okay Natalie I will tell you why I ran out your house" I said.

Thank you so much for reading my fan fiction!! It sucks I know but anyways... Kik me of you have an idea of what should happen next!! And Luke is luke Hemmings just to let you know what Luke looks like ( not your Luke Madi 🙈)
Kik~ thisisnatalie_1

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