Chapter 46

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{Natalie's Pov}

After Magcon was over we all went to our rooms. Madi and I just turned on a movie that she brought. We are watching The Book Thief. I love this movie so much!

We were 5 minutes into the and we hear the door open and Madi runs over to my bed. "Dude, What are we going to do?" she asks me. I look at her with wide eyes and shrug my shoulder.

There are two people walking into our our and I grab my blow dryer from my suitcase. They are talking but all I hear is mumbles. I look over to Madi and she is shaking and rocking back and forth.

"Who's there?" I ask getting up from my side of the bed and point the blow dryer at them. They both freeze and start laughing. I turn on the lamp by my bed and see it's Matthew and Nash.

"Oh my gosh guys! You scared us!" I hit Matthew in the arm. He rubs the spot where I hit him and hugs me. Nash went over to Madi and helped her up.

Matthew and I are laying on my bed and Madi and Nash are on Madi's bed. We started the movie over so they can watch it too. Matthew has his arm wrapped around me and I have my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Natalie, do you want to go somewhere? The guys want to go to some arcade or something" Matthew asked me. I looked over and saw Nash and Madi kissing so I nod my head and we walked out.

We went to Cameron's room an all the guys where there. They where on their phones like they always are. When Cameron saw me he looked and mine and Matt's hand and frowned.

Cameron doesn't like when I have a boyfriend because I tell them things first and not him. Cameron is used to being the only guy in my life besides my dad but I don't talk to my dad. I have only had 3 boyfriends and they didn't last that long. I feel the same way when Cameron has a girlfriend. We are just so close I guess that's why we feel that way.

Aaron tells us that we are going to this arcade somewhere. It's really close so we can just walk there. We all walk to the place and its around 8pm so it's pretty dark.

I am walking with Cameron and Jack Gilinsky. Matthew is walking with Carter and Taylor. All the guys are laughing and I just have on my headphones.

"Check yes Juliet are you with me? Rain is falling down on the sidewalk I won't go until you come outside" I hummed. I saw Cameron reach for my left headphone. I handed it to him and he started singing the song. I was laughing really hard because he was doing some weird hand motions.

After walking for about 20 minutes we finally made it. Everyone one was yelling at Aaron because he said it was close. We all paid about 10 bucks for 1,000 tokens and the guys are acting like they are in heaven.

I just walk around till I saw a game I wanted to play. I start playing some game where you are shooting a deer.

My phone starts to ring and it's Emily. She doesn't call unless she needs money or something is wrong.

"Emily? Is everything alright?" I ask walking over to a table. I sit down and wait for her to answer. "Hey sis! Yeah everything is perfect. I just wanted to call and check up on you" she says and I hear muffled talking on the other end but I don't say anything about it.

"Oh well... everything is fine. I am in Florida at the moment with Cameron, my boyfriend, and their friends in Magcon. Just the usual" I say into the phone. I am smirking because she never goes anywhere because she is a loser. "Is your boyfriend still Shawn? How's Florida?" She asks.

"No, I am dating Matthew. We kind of just want to be friends. And he lives too far away so we just decided to break up. Matthew lives across the street from us. I have known Matthew longer and I liked him but never realized till now that I liked him like that. But he is so amazing and he is my second best guy friend because no one can replace Cam." I say and I let out a small laugh because Emily loves Cameron in a friend way.

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