Chapter 12

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Okay I still need parts for

Sam Pottorff

Jack Johnson

Aaron carpenter


I woke up with a smile on my face. I had a dream about Shawn and I, but Matthew popped up in there too it was really weird because we kissed. I just don't know what I'm going to do!

Alyssa texting someone but I didn't know who? "Soo who you texting Alyssa? Could it be uhh I don't know... Brent!" I said

"Maybe or maybe not" she smirked. "If you don't tell me who it is I will rip that phone out of your hand and tell that person that you can't stop think about them and you love them to death!" I yelled.

"Okay go ahead it wouldn't do anything harmful considering I'm text my boyfriend" she said "Wait what? you have a boyfriend? and you didn't tell me?" I acted hurt after I said that.

"Well I couldn't tell you because you where talking to Shawn Mendes! what's going on between you two?" she asked "first off tell me who you are dating and what he is like! Second nothing really we just hung out yesterday at Cameron's house!" I said

"Yeah sure... and you already know him but not personal it's.... Brent Rivera!" she said

After we talked about Brent and her we had to wake you Laura so we could go pick up Madi and go to Cameron's house.

I haven't talked to Matt since our last talk. I saw him at Cameron's house looking hurt so I am going to ask him about it first then go out with Shawn.

Shawn texted me this last night after sending me that sweet text! Wanting to know if I had any plans I said no because I don't besides hang out with the rest of the guys. He said he has something planed. I don't know what because he hasn't been to Texas before!

Madi is waiting outside of her house when we pull up. She has already met Nash and Hayes. Her and Nash had a thing going on for a couple of months but nothing really happened between them. We drive to Cameron's house I don't think Madi knows that all of the guys are here. So I can't wait to see what will happen.

We knock on the door and Matthew opens the door and he doesn't have a shirt on. " Hey Natalie and the rest of y'all come in the guys just woke up" he said.

"Really its 1:30pm what did y'all do?" I asked as we were walking in the kitchen.

"YouTube videos and made vines I forgot to tell you Natalie but I will be going on the Magcon tour and I have a vine account and a YouTube channel we haven't talk much since our last talk so I couldn't really tell you" he said he sounded really sad after the last part.

"It's fine Matthew and I know Cameron told me but I am sad you didn't tell me and I understand that I have been distance towards you but I'm just so happy that you will be going with the guys!" I said I was hurt that he didn't tell me but we haven't talked since then.

"Well Natalie I was wondering if you wanted to use my extra ticket to come with me? They said I could bring a friend and I want you to come and be a part if this with me will you come with me?" he said. "Of course I will come with you! I am glad you asked or I would have to buy my own tickets for Magcon!" I said. Then I hug him I forgot he didn't have a shirt on when we pulled aways from the hug I could feel my face getting red.

We walk into the kitchen and all of the guys look like they are still asleep. They all have their shirts off to. Alyssa is talking to Brent and Laura and Cameron went to his room to talk about Magcon I guess she doesn't know yet. Madi is talking to Nash and she seems upset. I walk over to Shawn who looks like he is having a hard time making pancakes for all of the guys.

"Do you need help?" I ask he jumps at my comment I guess he didn't see me come in. "Good morning beautiful and yes I would love so help to be honest I don't know how to do this and Cameron's mom left to go to work" he said with is morning voice. I blushed when he said good morning beautiful the only person who has said that to me was Luke.

I really miss Luke. He has texted me a couple of time telling me he misses me and he will try to come and visit. It hurts to think of him and how much I loved him. He was my first love and I was his. My eyes start to get watery think of Luke I guess I didn't realize I was crying till Shawn asked me what was wrong. I ran to try to find Matthew I just really need to be in his strong arms right now. I lie being in His arms when I'm sad or just anytime.

I couldn't find Matthew in the house so I decide to walk into the backyard. I hear someone talking to them self I think. I walk around the corner to find Matthew laying on the hammock (a/n that thing you lay on and it's rope and you can tie it to 2 trees) deep I thought. I decide to lay under him and poke his back. He turns over and he is facing the ground he sees me and smile the his smile fades.

"What happened Natalie why are you crying?" he said really worried. "I uhh thought of someone who I really miss" I said starting to cry more.

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