Chapter 13

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Okay just to let you know I skipped to spring so now they are off for spring break


I went home and changed for my 'date' with Shawn! I am so happy that Shawn likes me! I never thought I would be happy again because of Luke.

Madi and Alyssa come back with me. It turns out that Madi and Nash are talking again. It's not just going to be Shawn and I it's everyone one now! I guess I am happy that everyone is going to be there so I can get to know the boys more.

We all get dressed. I am wearing a galaxy shirt that Matthew got me for my birthday and black leggings and my galaxy vans and my hair is curled. I have on my paper air plane neckless that Luke got me for our 4th month anniversary.

The guys are wait for us outside we have no idea where we are going but I guess it's some where in down town Dallas. When we were driving we passed the Texas Rangers stadium and I know where we are going now!!

"I know where we are going now!!" I yelled "shut up Natalie if you tell them where we are going I am not going to play games with you" Cameron said from the drivers seat he stuck his tongue out at me. "Fine then" I said.

When we got to Six Flags Over Texas I yelled at Matthew to take me on the ship thing that goes really high on both sides. That is our favorite ride! Every single time we come here we have to go on the ship ride!

Cameron tells us the plan because it's 12pm and the park closes at 10pm so we have a lot of time. We all are going to meet back up in front of the Texas Giant. I hate that ride I have only been on it once because I don't like it! It scares me.

We are all have "buddies" Madi and Nash, Laura and Cameron, Alyssa and Brent, Jack and Jack, Aaron and Hayes, Taylor and Carter, Sam and Jc, and that leaves me with Matthew and Shawn. We all stay together and go on rides that everyone wants to go on. We go through the Mexico part and Matthew and I got to go on our favorite ride!! When we got to the very top Taylor was screaming so loud you think he would have pooped his pants! Carter was just putting his hands up and screaming too. It was so much fun I made fun of Taylor because he might have had I wet spot in his pants. "Hey uh Taylor did you pee your pants?" I asked "Umm what?... Where is a restroom?" he asked turning red

The rest of the day went by fast we were all just having a great time till we heard girls laughing right behind us. I turn around and see these 4 girls holding the phones and taking pictures of us. I tell Cameron and we all sprint off we find our selfs at the Texas Giant.

I hate the ride! Cameron, Matthew, Madi, Alyssa, and Laura know I do. I am shaking now because everyone is getting in line to go on it. "Natalie come sit next to me on the ride?" asked Shawn "Umm... I am sorry I don't want to go on this ride go ahead and go on it!" I said "No its fine I will wait here with you" he said "okay are you sure?" I asked "Yes I am how about we go get some ice cream while we wait for them?" he asked "okay let's go!" I said.

We get our ice cream and I got banana with sprinkles in it and Shawn got cookies and cream. He paid but I wanted to get my own but he said no. We went to go find a spot to sit with a good view at the Texas Giant.

"Natalie can I ask you a question?" Shawn said. "Yeah of course what do you want to know?" I said eating my ice cream "uh I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend? it's okay if you say no because we haven't known each other for a long time but I really like you and you are perfect!" he said. "uhh...

{Matthew's pov}

I was so happy when Natalie and I went on the pirate ship ride because it is our favorite ride! We were laughing the whole time after we got off we all went on more rides. When we got to the Texas Giant Natalie started to shake I know she hates this ride so I was going to offer to stay with her while everyone else went on it but Shawn bet me to it.

We were all standing in line when Sam spoke up. "Okay I have a question for someone" Sam said " okay Matthew we all know you like someone here and we all want to help you ask her out" he said everyone was shaking there heads like crazy. "What I don't like anyone here" I lied.

"Bro we all know you like Natalie" said Hayes. Wow how did he know I haven't really even talked to him " Okay maybe I do but she doesn't like me back and I know he doesn't" I said "we will all help you guys get together!" Said Madi she is always quite but I guess she knows who Natalie like. It was our turn to get on the ride.

The whole ride I thought about Natalie. Maybe I should ask her out again. I hope she would say yes. I will ask her today!

"Uh I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend? it okay if you say no because we haven't known each other for a long time but I really like you and you are perfect!" said Shawn I think. "Uhh... I don't know what to say Shawn I need time to think about it I might have feeling for this one guy I am so sorry!" Natalie said. It broke my heart that she said she would think about it but Atlest she didn't say yes. I guess I should tell everyone that I can't ask her out because Shawn already did.


Thank y'all soo much for the 4.2k reads!! Its means a lot!! I will try to update tomorrow if I have time! what do you guys think should it be Shawn and Natalie or Matthew and Natalie? you guys should come up with ship names and I will give a shout out to my favorite ship name!! Comment and vote please and thank you!! thank you guys so much!!



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