Chapter 16

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I didn't realize what was wrong with Natalie till she ran off. I looked in the direction she was looking in before she ran off. What I saw was something I didn't really want to see. Amelia and Laura were still checking out when Natalie and I walked out so they didn't see what we saw. I am glad they didn't see what we saw.


I know that I should be crying over what I saw. To bad I am I have know idea how I am going to break this to Laura! Cameron and her have been dating for 1 year now! She is going to be so hurt!

"Natalie are you in here?" Madi asked "yeah I am sitting on the sink counter" I said.

"Why do you think he would do this to Laura? I mean they have been dating for a year!" she said.

" I have no idea, I know who that girl was that was Cameron's ex girlfriend I can't believe he was making out with her do you know why they broke up?" I was completely in tears now.

"No I have no clue he didn't tell anyone I guess he only told you?" she said.


"I can't think back to when he did this I almost lost my bestfriend because some freaking slut said he wasn't good enough for her I can't believe they are down stairs making out!" I didn't yell this time my eyes were hurting from cry.

"Wow Natalie I am so sorry I didn't know" she said she was in tears too.

"Don't pity me that was the past I am so sorry for yelling at you I didn't mean to I am just angry with Cameron right now" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.


"Cameron I brought your favorite!" I yelled walking into his house. I didn't have to knock as long as his car was in the driveway. No one was home but Cameron. "Cameron?" I asked getting worried. I went into his room he wasn't there. I heard crying coming from his bathroom. "Cameron are you in here" I asked really worried now.

I opened the door and Cameron was laying on the bathroom floor with a razor in his hand. His wrists were all bloody. I was in complete tears now. "Cameron get up!" I yelled but couldn't because I was crying to much.

"Uh where am I? Natalie this isn't what it looks like!" he said he was in tears now.

"Cameron just promise me that you won't every do this to me every again or I will have to come over and start living with you just to make sure you don't do this anymore" I said wiping my tears. "I promise Natalie it won't ever happen again" he said wiping his tears.

*end of flashback*

"I guess we should go find everyone I really need to talk to Cameron about this and I just want to be with Matthew" I said "ohh so I meant to ask you so what's up with you and Matthew? who are you going to pick?" she asked as we were walking out or Macy's. "First off nothing is really going on between me and Matthew we are just friends and I have know clue yet."

I call Matthew and tell him to tell the guys that we need to meet up at the kids playground thing. I call Alyssa and tell her the same thing they said they are coming and they are mad that we left them and didn't tell them where we were going.

Everyone is here but Cameron. I asked Nash to see if he knew where Cameron was he didn't have a clue.

"Cameron where are you? We are all about to leave and go get something to eat call me back when you get this and we need to talk" I said then hung up the phone. We all waited for ten minutes then we left. Hayes and Brent were playing on the playground.

When we got back I went to find Matthew we haven't talked since this morning and I need to ask if he knows where Cameron is because when I asked everyone he just looked around acting like I didn't say anything.

I couldn't find Matthew so I decide to hang out with everyone in Cameron's living room. We were all playing truth or dare. Sam was dared to run up and down the street naked! Thankfully it was dark and no one could see. Everyone was dared and asked to say the truth to things but me yet anyways.

"Truth or Dare Natalie?" Aaron asked me. "Uhh I guess I will go for truth?" I asked more than said.

"Okay so we know we have a couple of flirts in the house who like you even tho that all aren't here but if you had to chose who would you chose? Shawn or Matthew?" he said smirking at me.

"First off what did I ever do to you? And second I can't say right now because only Shawn is here and that wouldn't be fair" I said smirking back.

"Ohh she got you there man!" Said both jacks. "yeah shut up guys okay then you have to take a dare" Aaron said "Okay fine!" I said. "Okay I dare you to... Go make out with Shawn in... that closet for 7 minutes so basically 7 minutes of heaven anyways for Shawn that is" Aaron said with a smirk. I was blushing and so was Shawn. "Okay fine lets go Shawn" I said walking towards the closet.

Once we both got in the closet we could hear all the guys yell 'ohh kill em".

"You know Natalie we don't have to do this?" Shawn said "Yeah I know but a dare is a dare and I just want to get this over with" I said a little to harsh " Okay then" he said.

I looked up a little because Shawn was just a little taller then me. I looked into his eyes then I placed my lips on his. I have never felt anything like this before not even when I kissed Luke. I felt butterflies in my stomach when we were kissing. I pulled away Shawn was looking at me I was smiling and so was he. He connected our lips again and I still felt something. I could feel him smiling through our kiss. We took our kiss slow but not very slow.

After we were do with our 7 minutes I wanted to go home because it was already 4am and still no sign of Cameron or Matthew. I called Matthew he said after the mall he went home because he said he was mad at one of the guys but he didn't say who. Cameron didn't pick up his phone and I was getting really worried. I texted Shawn.

To~ Your bæ Shawn

I had an amazing time tonight hope we can hang out tomorrow maybe if you are up to it? Night

*buzz buzz*

From~ Your bæ Shawn

I don't have anything gong in tomorrow I would love to hang out with you! Night babe

I guess I am hanging out with Shawn tomorrow. I get a call as soon as I am about to fall asleep. Who the heck would call at 5am?

"Natalie I need your help meet me at our place"


Sorry another cliff hanger! Thank you guys so much for the 5.9k reads!!!! I will try to update this week sometime I didn't do my homework just to update! VOTE?



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