Chapter 6

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Hey I'm soo sorry that I haven't updated in a long time I have had a lot on my mind and things going on sorry!!

•2 months later• Matt has made the football team is is co captain next to Luke and Natalie made the volleyball team and is the captain•


I have a volleyball game today and its against the other high school in our town. Everyone has said that they haven't won a game yet so I hope that we won't lose we even won against Aledo and they are the best of the best team in Texas! We have 10 mins till the game starts and all of my friends am family are here to support me and my team! I'm so scared that something is going to happen!

•Final score 24-15•

The buzzer goes off and we won!

After the game my team and I go out for dinner and we chose chick-fil-a because that's our favorite place. We always got there after school. It was just Luke, Laura, Cameron, Matt, and me at a table. They were saying that the game was really good and Laura lost her voice.

I decide on going home after we get done eating. Its Matt and me in the car he has turned into by brother now we do everything thing together! I love him to death!

{Matthew's pov}

Natalie and I are sitting in the car listening to music singing as loud as we can. We have been given dirty look but who cares? "Dude I love this song turn it mom?" said Natalie. "Written on the walls are the stories that I explain I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days."

The story of my life was Natalie's favorite song that they play one direction she gets so mad when they cut out Liam's part it's so funny.

She starts hitting me when we get to that part. She honestly the best thing that has happened to me since last year. We get home and thankfully it's Friday! I invite her over to my house and we just go into the backyard and lay on my trampoline and look at the stars. "Matt you need a nickname just for me to call you and I need one too" she said that's when I became Matty and she became natbug she came up with them I don't know why but she did. We ended up falling asleep on the trampoline.


So sorry for taking so long on the update I have been very busy!!! I hope you like this chapter it sucks but oh whale!!

Kik~ thisisnatalie_1

Thanks you for reading!!!!

Love Natalie

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