Chapter 29

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{ Matthew's Pov}

"Uhh Alison is a friend we met yesterday at the hospital" I said. "Oh well as long as you are happy then go for it I will always be here for you, Matthew" she said then smiled. "Thanks, Natalie this means a lot" I said. "No problem lets get back to the house" she said and walked to her car.

When we got to her house it was already 8 am and no one was up but Shawn. I am glad that we are friends now. I hope that Natalie isn't mad that I might like another girl but then she is dating Shawn.

Ugh I hate life.

Everyone is still asleep so I go lay back down and start to drift off.

{ Natalie'sPov}

So Matt like another girl. Maybe I should have said yes to Matt and not Shawn? No I am glad that I have Shawn in my life and Matthew. I love both of them but what will happen when Shawn goes back for like 1 month after Magcon?

Ugh! This is so hard!

I think I might like Matthew. I mean he has been there for me though a lot of things. Even though we just met last year he has become my best friend, but he will never replace Cameron. Matthew has amazing eyes and his laugh can make my day so much better. Oh my gosh! His voice when he talks it always calms me down when ever I am upset or mad. I think I might like Matthew Lee Espinosa! Why didn't realize this!

I feel bad now. I am with Shawn and I am now realizing that I might have feelings for Matthew! If I did break up with Shawn I would still see him at every Magcon event. But Matthew and I go to the same school and live on the same street and our family are good friends.

I need to keep my mind on Shawn while we are still together. Gosh why am I so stupid! I feel bad that I might have feeling for another boy and I am dating Shawn.

Shawn is amazing though. His voice is like a freaking angel. His eyes are so freaking perfect and his hair and his everything!

I walk into my room and see Alyssa and Hallie passed and then there is Madi. She is texting Nash I guess because keeps smiling at her phone.

"Madi do you want to go to the mall?" I asked. "No I just want to stay here and do nothing no duhh I want to go to the mall!" she yelled. "Should I wake up them?" I pointed to sleepy heads. "Yeah so they don't feel left out" she said. "Get up sleepy heads! We are going to the mall!" I yelled. They stay asleep for like 5 more minutes. Madi and I get ready to go.

{30 minutes later its now 12 am}

When I get done I walk downstairs. I see that everyone is awake or at lest they just got up. I look for Shawn and see him on his phone. I walk over to Shawn and lay down beside him and lay my head in his shoulder.

"Hey beautiful" Shawn said. "Hey I am going to go out with the girls so watch my house and make sure that none of the guys burn it down or break anything!" I said. "Okay is Jacob upstairs?" he asked. "No he went next door to his friends house" I said. "Okay well have fun and I will see you later! Oh don't forget that Nash is coming back around 1-4?" he said then kissed me. Oh my gosh the sparks!

I walked back upstairs and everyone was on there phones. They are so silly.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I asked. "Yasssssssss let's go!" Alyssa yelled. "Yeah let me go say bye to Hayes!" Hallie said.

We all walked downstairs and Alyssa and Hallie go say goodbye to Brent and Hayes.

Madi and I walk to my car. We turn on the radio and scream!

"If you don't swim you'll drown so don't move honey. You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel Underwear and I known now that I'm so down..." we both sing at the top of our lungs! It's one of our favorite songs! All of the guys come out and are looking around to see what was wrong. Then Cameron points to my car and he flips us off.

"We were just singing a song! Don't flip us off stupid!" I yelled. "Shut up Natalie!" Cam yelled. All the guys were laughing at Cam.

Everyone got in the car and we were off to the mall. When we got there everyone was hungry so we stopped at the food court.

We all got different things at different stores. I got a new iPhone case that has Stitch on it and a new pair is spandex for volleyball and other things. Hallie got this shirt that said "Live while we are young" and there is like a beach behind it or something. Madi has like 20 bags in her hands and she keeps buying more things. Alyssa got this Pokémon hat and bag that she almost died for in the store. She is in love with it! We all got something for all the guys.

We are walking back to my car when I check the time. Its 3:30!

"Oh crap guys! I forgot that Nash was coming home around 1-4!" I say. "That's in 30 minutes! Hurry up and throw your crap in Natalie's trunk!" Madi is yelling at us now!

We drive really fast but we don't get a ticket or go above the speed limit. We arrive at my house at 3:58 we made it! We all run inside and see that no one is in the living room. No one is in the house.

"Madi go check in the backyard and see if they are there!" I yell from the kitchen. "Okay!" she yells. "Nope no is there" she says. "That is weird all of the cars are here but Cameron's!" I say all of them.

My phone starts to buzz and its Shawn.

"Hey where are you guys?" I asked. "Hey we are all out at Babes we saved you guys seats and Nash is here so hurry! Sorry I forgot to tell you" he says. "It's fine and okay we will be there in 10?" I said and hung up.

We all go to my car and drive to Babes. We all walk in and find out table.

I sit down next to Madi and Shawn. Nash is between Madi and Cameron. I look around the table and see a blonde girl who I have no idea who she is. She is sitting next to Matthew. That is weird.


Hey guys!! I am so sorry that I said I would update on Saturday and my new updating days will be Sunday and maybe Mondays! Thank you guys so much for 93.5 k reads! And I want to say that I really appreciate everyone that VOTES for my story! It helps me a lot!! So a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU GUYS WHO VOTE!! Thank you guys so much! Can I say that every single boy is stupid but the Magcon boys and One Direction and 5 Sos and O2L! I broke up with my boyfriend and yeah! So thank you guys so much! And I think I will be answering some of your questions so leave some questions and I will answer them in my next update!! Thank you guys!!



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