Chapter 43

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{Natalie's Pov}

"You are never gonna get everything you want in this world first things first get what you deserve" First Things First comes blasting out of my phone. I look at the bright light and see it's my alarm. Great it already 6am.

I walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth and put my hair up in a pony tail. I pack the rest of my things so I don't have to later. I put everything in my backpack and toiletries in my suitcase. I have everything packed.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen. I see my mom standing in front of the stove. I sit down on one of the bar stools and look at what she is cooking.

"Good morning sweetheart! Are you excited to go to Florida? It seems like forever since I last saw you" she laughs at the last part. It has been a week since I last saw her. It feels like a couple of weeks not just one.

"Good morning mom, I am excited to go with all my friends and meet new people and stuff. I think Matt is more excited than I am. He has been texting me all morning asking me if I am wake or nah. When I get back we will have to do something" I say my mom looks at me and smiles.

"Do you wanna text Matt and ask him if he has had breakfast? I made pancakes. Call Cam too his mom called and said he needs a ride" my mom makes the best pancakes ever! I nod my head and walk to my room to get my phone.

I call Matt instead of texting him. He picks up in the first ring. "Good morning Nat, what's up?" he asked me. "Wanna come over for some pancakes?" I ask him. All I hear is the line go dead. I run downstairs and I might have tripped but didn't fall.

I open the door before Matt could ring the bell. He laughs and lets himself in. I told him I will meet him in the kitchen I have to make a call. I walk to the living and dial Cam's number.

"Hey Cam, do you wanna come over for breakfast? My mom made pancakes and do you need a ride" I asked him. "Yeah I wanna come over. Is it okay if I bring Nash and I guess Madi? They are here with me, they came this morning. Madi's mom is taking me but thanks!" Cam say. I didn't know Madi was coming on tour or Nash was still in Texas. I told him he could bring them and I will see them later.

"Hey mom, Cam, Nash, and Madi are coming too. We have to leave in a hour" I tell my mom and she nods her head and makes more pancakes.

"So Matt, are you liking touring so far?" my mom asked Matt. He looked up from his plate and he had syrup all over his face. I wipe all of the syrup off of his face and he smiles. "Yes ma'am, I love meeting all of my beautiful fans. They are amazing and have done so much for me" Matt smiles.

"Honey, I'm home!" Cameron yells and lifts me out of my chair. He hugs me from behind and spins me in circles. "Cam, put me down!" I yell and hit him on the back. He puts me down and holds out his arms. I give him a hug and he hugs me back and I can't breath. My mom is laughing the whole time and Matt is talking to Nash and Madi is eating pancakes.

Once we all get done eating I grab my suitcase and backpack. Matt is waiting for me at the door. I tell my mom bye and I will see her later. Matt grabs suitcase and carries it to his mom's car. He runs inside and grabs his things and we hit the road.

Matt and I are listening to my music and his mom is talking on the phone to Matt's dad. "Dirty Little Secret" by The All-American Rejects come on an I start to sing to song. Matt is looking at me because he doesn't know the song.

Before we know it we arrive at the airport and Mrs. Espinosa goes over the rules and what to do once we get in the airport. Matthew isn't listening so I listen to what she says so we don't end up lost. We say our goodbyes and walk into the airport.

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