Chapter 11

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{Natalie pov}

I decide to call Cameron after every thing that happened with Matthew and I.

"Hey Cam can we talk or do I need to call you back?" "Yes Natalie it's fine" I told him about everything that happened with me and Matthew and asked him what I should do because I might have feelings for him but I don't know!

"Umm you should talk to him about it not me" he said. "Can you please ask him how he feels about me please cam?" I said.

"I guess I can ask him about it" he said "Thank you so much Cameron I love you so much!!" I said.

"Okay well I got to go Natalie I have a house full of guys in my house" he said "Can I come over?" I asked ''sure bring Laura?" He said they are so cute together!! "I'm going to bring Alyssa too" I said "okay see you then!" Cameron said.

I called Laura and told her to come over we are going to Cameron's house and bring Alyssa. They come short after the call thankfully we all live in the same neighborhood!

When we get to Cameron's house there is to cars I don't know and I wonder who they belong to. When we get to the door it's really loud in there.

I knock on the door and them I see 8 guys staring at us. "Umm hey? is Cameron here? ohh and by the ways I'm Natalie and this is Laura and Alyssa" I said

"Well hello ladys" said I think Taylor Caniff "Where is Cameron, Nash?" I ask Nash because I know Nash and his brother Hayes they come all the time. " Well nice to see you to Natalie! He is this way" Nash said.

We all walk pass the guys. I walk up to Nash and give him a hug because we are really good friends but I lost touch with him because I guess he got a new number.

"So why are all of those guys here? and not to be mean or anything but you to and you didn't even come over and surprise me!?" I ask.

"First off we just got here 30 mins ago and didn't Cameron tell you Magcon is next week and we are staying here till then and I forgot where you live and Cam said you where coming over so yeah" Nash said "Oh" is all I could say

I guess Cam is in the backyard because I hear music and the backdoor is open I guess we are going swimming. Cam is sitting on the side of the pool and didn't see us come back. Perfect time to push him in the pool for not telling me about Magcon. I tell Nash to be quite. "1 2 3 push" I say quietly cam falls into the pool and they get up from the water. "what the heck Natalie!" Cam says.

"That was for not telling me about Magcon! and I'm glad you get to go!" I yelled

I guess the guys all hear Cameron yelling at me because they are all looking at me and Cameron. Great I bet they think I'm mad at Cam!

"Umm about Magcon... Natalie come with me to my room we need to talk" Cameron said.

"Ohh use protection guys!" said Taylor and Carter I think?

"Umm he has a girlfriend standing right there and I'm just friends with him okay" I said.

We walk down to his room and he tells me everything about Magcon and he is really happy about it and I just don't want him to be gone of a long time. He tell who all the guys are then he says Shawn Mendes is here and I scream! I freaking love Shawn Mendes! I love everything about him! His voice and his eyes and accent!

"Chill Natalie you will get to meet Shawn I was actually wondering if you wanted to come to Magcon with me the whole time every event! but I think Matthew wanted to ask you that and I want to bring Laura with me" he said.

"Wait Matthew is going to be on the Magcon tour?" I asked.

"yeah you didn't know he did vine and YouTube?" Cam said. " No I didn't I guess since we haven't been talking much he hasn't have time to tell me" I said and I was upset that he didn't tell me but I didn't show it.

"Well lets go meet the guys!" Cameron says and we walk into the backyard

I got introduced to all of they guys and when we got to Shawn I started to freak out!

"Hey I'm Shawn Mendes and you are?" Shawn said

"H- h- hi I'm uhh Natalie Cameron's best friend" I said. Oh my gosh Natalie why did you stutter?

"Well it's nice to meet you Natalie what's you number so we can hang out sometime and get to know each other?" Shawn said. We hand each other our phones and enter our number and me being me I take a silly picture and put my name a 'Natalie the bae'. I maybe got caught up in the moment.

Matthew is here and is acting really sketchy for some reason. I don't know why though? I really need to talk to him about Magcon and why he didn't tell me about it? I will do that later when we are alone.

We all just hang out with each other and get to know each other more. It looks like Alyssa and Brent are getting to know each other a lot!

I'm sitting next to Shawn while he plays his guitar. He gets done with the song he was singing and puts his guitar down and puts his arms around me because I'm shaking. He is so sweet.

Alyssa, Laura, and I decide it time for us to go to my house and we say our goodbyes. When we get to my house I'm about to go to bed when I get a text.

From~Your bae Shawn

Good night beautiful hope you have amazing dreams can't wait to see you tomorrow night love

When I got that text from Shawn my heart did flips and I had a huge smile on my face!

To~ Your bae Shawn

Night handsome can't wait to see you tomorrow too! night

With that I went to sleep with a huge smile on my face and had a dream about Shawn and I!


Thank you guys so much for 2.5k reads it means so much to me!! Comment what you think about this chapter and vote!! Thank you so much for reading and can't wait to write what happens next!! vote and comment?! thank you so much



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