Chapter 47

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This chapter is dedicated to @Madisonlew because ily💕 and you asked for a Nadi chapter. Maybe it will work now?

{Madi's Pov}

I woke up next to Nash. His lips were slightly parted. I slipped out of his grip and went to take a shower.

When I walked back in the room I couldn't find Nash. I laid down back on my bed and started to text Natalie to see if anyone had plans today.

The door opened and Nash had food with him. I ran over to him and grabbed all of the food.

"Thanks babe, should we watch a movie?" Nash asked. Every time he called me "babe" I will get chills up my spine. Nash wanted to watch Dolphin Tale so we did.

"I want to swim with a dolphin one day!" I pouted to make him laugh. "Well maybe one day" Nash said and then we just ate our breakfast and watched the movie.

After the movie was over we just cuddled talking about random things that are on our bucket list. Nash had a lot of weird things on his list. He wants to own a ice cream shop, feed a lion, and swim with a shark. Some of the things he has already done but he just doesn't know it yet.

The only crazy thins I have on my list is swim with sting rays, hold a tree frog, and I consider this crazy I would love to just move to a different country for about a year and learn their way of life. I have a couple of normal things on mine but most of them people would be like "ew why do you want to do that?".

Natalie and Matthew come in really loud. They are both laughing at something and they look stupid. I glare at them and they shut up.

"Oh sorry Princess Madi. We didn't know y'all where here" Natalie says sarcastically. Matthew laughs and lays down on her bed and pulls his phone out. Natalie grabs a purple tank top that says "can you not?" and black shorts. I guess they are going somewhere.

"Yo Matt, what time is everyone leaving?" Nash asks Matt. "Uh I think we are leaving at 9? I don't know ask Natalie she planed it" Matthew shrugs his shoulders and walks to the bathroom door.

"Uh what are we doing today?" I ask Nash. I had no idea that we are going somewhere. I picked out a red tank top and black shorts with my red vans.

Nash went back to his room to change not saying a word about where we are going. I want to know where we are going or if they are going without me.

Natalie comes back out and she has her hair in a high pony tail. Matthew and her walk out the door but I stop then.

"Uh can someone tell me where we're going?" I said really loud. They both stopped and turned around a looked at me.

"Nope!" Natalie intertwines their hands and walk out. The door opens again and she sticks her head in the door way. "I'm not telling you but, wear something that you won't get hot in. We are going to be outside all day. Bye princess!" She shuts the door and leaves me by myself. The things I have are good to wear for today.

I walk into the bathroom and change. I put my hair in a French braid and put on a sparkly silver head band and grab my purse and walk out the door. It's 8:30 now so I walk out the door to Nash and Cam's room.

Once I walk in I was attacked by someone and now I can't see a thing. I start to freak out and I elbow the person in the balls. I know it's either Cameron or Nash.

"Shit Madi, that hurt like hell!" Nash says. I feel him let go of me but I still can't see. I feel my face and I have a blind fold on.

"Well, that's what you get for blind folding me as soon as I walk in!" I try to slap him on the arm but I end up slapping the wall or at lest I think it's the wall. I feel Nash guiding me out the door and towards the elevator I think.

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