Chapter 5

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{Matthew's Pov}

Just thinking back to that day makes me scared! "okay Natalie I will tell you why I ran out of your house" I said.

she was crying so hard I didn't know what else to do. "Okay this summer I went to my friends nick's house because he was having a party I went and there was drinking but I didn't drink because I didn't want anything that I would regret happen so I didn't and my parents to this day still don't believe me nick offered to take me home because I lived across town. it was Nick, Caden, and I we were in Nick's car I didn't know Nick and Caden were drunk or I wouldn't have them drive my home. When we were about to pull in to a busy street nick lost control of the steering wheel and we crashed in a tree and Nick got his arm broken and leg. Caden's head got cut open and I got my arm broken. My mom and dad were pissed that I didn't tell them were I was going that night and that I got into a car crash thankfully I was in the back set not driving. The whole town thought it was my fault and I lost all of my friends. That's why we moved because we all needed a new start. My parents blame everything on me so that why I ran out I couldn't handle it anymore." I said.

I didn't realize I had started to cry I still have nightmares about it. she was crying still I pulled her into a hug. that's when I found someone I could actually trust and tell her anything and I knew we would become bestfriends.


After I heard what happened to Matt I couldn't stop crying I'm so glad he pulled me into a hug because that's what I really needed. "Matt I had know idea I will always be here for you! you are going to be my bestfriend now okay?" "I would love to be your bestfriend!" he said. That's when me and Matthew officially became bestfriends and I know I can trust him with my life.


Thank you guys so much for reading my first fan fiction!! love y'all loads!!

Love Natalie

Kik~ thisisnatalie_1

Thank you

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