Chapter 25

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{Matthew's pov}

I wake up and see everyone still passed out. What time is it? I walk into the kitchen and see what the time is. It 6am! Why am I up so early? I hear someone talking up stairs.

I walk up the stairs and hear the talking come from Natalie's room. I can't tell who it is but I want to know. " I love you Matthew and only you.... I am only dating Shawn so I can make you jealous! Matthew please don't do this! I love you MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA!!" It was Natalie. What is she dreaming about besides me? I wonder if she really feels this way about me.

I haven't spoken to her since she told everyone that she was dating Shawn. I was so upset that day. I mean I asked her out way before Shawn and she just met Shawn! Every time I see her and Shawn all I think about is that should be me!(Yep just had a Justin Bieber moment sorry about that 😂👌 A/N Natalie) I want to be with Natalie and not her to be with Shawn. I guess I will never have her.

I walk into the living room and the only person that is awake is Shawn but I don't really want to talk to him. We used to be good friends until they started to date. I really need to get over Natalie! I hope I can just find someone who I love as much as they love me....

{Natalie's pov}

I was having a dream the Matthew was leaving me. He was moving to England so he could be far away from me as possible. I was crying so hard in my dream. It scared me so bad! Matthew said he could never forgive me and he hated me and never wanted to see me. I told him I loved him and I was only using Shawn and that I didn't want him to leave me! It was one of the worst dreams I have ever had in my life!

I woke up to Skylynn shaking me. "Natalie wake up! You said we can get doughnuts!" Skylynn yelled. "Okay let me fix my hair and put on sweat pants" I said. She nodded her head and hoped off my bed and walked out.

I wrote a note on my white board saying that Skylynn and I were going to get doughnuts and we would be back.

I walk into the living room there are only two people awake. It was Matthew and Shawn. Skylynn was laying with Hayes. I nudge Matthew with my foot and he looks over at me and get up and walks to the kitchen.

"Uhh Matt are you okay? You have been acting off lately" I said. "Umm yeah I'm fine" he said. "Well Skylynn and I are going to get doughnuts for everyone so do you want any special ones?" I asked. "Pigs in a blanket!And chocolate milk!" He yelled. "Okay brb!" I said and walked out of the kitchen.

We got all of the doughnuts and headed back to my house. Skylynn wanted like 5 doughnuts for her self and I laughed and said she could get 2 and doughnut holes.

Everyone was awake when we got back. They were all sitting in the living room. Everyone looks so tried but Mrs. Grier said that we could all go see Nash since he is a little better.

Madi gets to see him first out of all of us besides his family. She is really excited to see him and talk to him. She is running around my houses yelling what should she wear and how should she do her hair.

We all arrive at the hospital and we wait in the waiting room and wait for all of our turns. All of Nash's family came out and it was Madi's turn. She was shaking and she was so nervous to see him. She walks to his room and we don't see her for another good 30 minutes.

It's my turn I walk to Nash's room and wait a minute before I walk in. I hear someone talking in his room. It sounds like a girl they are laughing. I knock on the door and walk in. I stop dead in my tracks when I see someone I don't know. "Uhh Nash?" I asked. "Natalie?" He said.


Thanks you guys so much for the 38.2k reads! Almost 40k! You guys are the best! I don't know what I would do with out you guys!! I will be having a contest soon!! Thanks so much!! I'm sorry for not updating a lot like I promised I just have been so busy dealing with people and helping out at my church with little kids! I will try to update maybe tomorrow if I'm not doing the rest of my homework! Sorry for the short update but I am starting to have writers block!! Thank you once again guys love you so much!! Thanks!! Wattpad is being really stupid I had to delete this chapter 3 times now! ugh!



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