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{Natalie's Pov}

*One month later*

"So you are really leaving?" I say to Cameron. He nods his head and sets his bag down.

"You are still coming in two weeks right? I will hopefully have everything set up in my house before then" Cameron hugs me and the flight attendant calls out Cameron's flight and he grabs his bag and walks towards the airplane.

Matthew comes up from behind me and I feel like busting into tears. He is leaving with Cameron too, I mean I will see him in two weeks since it's almost summer break but they won't live in Texas anymore.

"Hey man, don't cry! I will see you in two weeks and I want you to do amazing on your exams and we will text and call all the time okay?" Matthew lifts my chin so we are eye level and I nod my head.

"I love you. I will miss you but you guys are going to have an amazing time out in Cali" I say. He kisses me and whispers he loves me and he grabs his bag and heads towards the plane.

I wait and watch the plane take off. I will see them in two weeks.


*Two weeks later*

"Yay! We are finally going to Cali! Oh my gosh I love that place! I get see Nash and the beach" Madi says running towards the cab that is waiting for us. Matthew texted me the address and I give it to the can driver.

The car ride seems like it taking for ever and Madi is bouncing her leg up and down and she keeps checking her phone. She looks out the window and takes pictures with her phone.

"We are here ladies" the cab driver stops the car at a huge house. I step out of the car and I am amazed at how huge the house is.

"Oh my gosh. I bet they gave us the wrong address" Madi says. We grab our bags and I pay for the cab and Madi runs up to the door.

"Hurry! Nash open up the door!" Madi yells and drops her bag and starts banging on the door.

"Madi! Calm down! I bet they are in the backyard or something!" I laugh and her face gets really red and she nods and we walk towards the gate.

I open the gate door and I see Cameron sitting by the pool. I drop my bags and walk over to him but I make sure he doesn't see me. I push him in the water and run and hide.

"What the hell? Nash was that you?" Cameron yells and he gets out of the pool and starts towards me. I duck down lower but end up knocking over something.

"What was that!" I hear Matthew yell and I jump out and Cameron has wide eyes and hugs me.

"I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow!" He says. I see Madi come out and waves.

"Yeah, we were supposed to but then we decided to move our flight up one day" I say.

After we put all of bags up into the guest room we hang out by the living room. They have a really nice house with about 6 rooms. Nash, Cameron, Matthew, and the Jacks all share this house.

"Aw Matthew, I missed you!" I hug him and he buries his head into my neck. He pulls away and smiles at me.

"You're pretty great did you know that?" He laughs and walks into the kitchen where everyone is.

"Nah, I think you're better" I sit down at one of the bar stools. Madi is sitting next and she is texting Nash to hurry back with the pizza. I don't see why she didn't go with him but oh well.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Jack Gilinsky asks.

"I was thinking we could show them around and go to the beach?" Cameron suggests. Everyone nods their heads and Nash comes in with the pizza.

You Found Me//Matthew Espinosa//Where stories live. Discover now