Chapter 19

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{Luke's pov}

As I walked up to Natalie's door I was so nervous because I think she is going to shut the door right in my face. *knocks on the door* Natalie opens the door and looks like she is about to break down.

"Natalie are you coming? I got us a snack ready" some guys yells I don't know who it is. "Uhh... Luke what are you doing here? I really need you to leave I have company over and I don't want to talk to you okay bye!" she yelled then slammed the door right in my face. Well I guess I will text her maybe she will text back?

I know it wasn't right to come here in the first place but oh well. I am not going to give up. I want her back and I will get her back no matter what!

{Natalie's pov}

When I opened the door and saw Luke standing there I almost started to cry. He hurt me so much I don't think I can ever forgive him. I can't have him here right now Shawn is over and I don't want to deal with Luke right now. "Uhh... Luke what are you doing here? I really need you to leave I have company over and I don't want to talk to you okay bye!" I say then slam the door right in his face.

I slide down the door and a few tears slipped down my cheek because I was thinking of all the times when Luke showed up at my door. I have Shawn and that's all the matters right now.

I walk back into my kitchen and Shawn cut up 4 apples I think. He was peanut butter on them! "I love peanut butter with my apples!" I say "Me too!" he says.

We walk into my living room and turn on a movie. We end up watching Flowers In The Attic. I like how the movie is set back to the old days. It gets really creepy when the mom starts acting all weird. Shawn is making the weird face when the mom is showing the kids what the grandma did to the mom's back.

When the movie ends Shawn is asleep. He had his head on my shoulder and is mouth is open he looks so cute. I take a picture of him and set it as his contact picture. I wake him up because it is 6pm and my mom should be here soon.

When we are waking to my Jeep I see a note on my car door. I open up the note and its from Luke. It says

"Dear Natalie, I knew you would shut the door in my face before I could say anything. I am so sorry we lost touch. I should have called you and texted you but I never did because I wanted to keep my mind off you for a little while and I wanted to be happy because with out you my life sucked. That is why I have come back I want to be with you! I love you so much Natalie Renee Woods! I hope you haven't moved on with your life. I want to back. Love Luke:) p.s call me? 817-567-****".

That's what the note said I honestly don't want to hear his excuses I am done with him. He has made my life for the past 6 months crapy he really hurt me so I will stay with Shawn and away from Luke.

I save the note so I can tell Madi and Alyssa what it's says. I drive Shawn back to Cameron's house. When we walk in no one is in the house I guess they are in the backyard. When we walk outside all of the guys have water guns.

I see Cameron spraying Nash with the water gun. I run over to Cameron because we need to talk.

"Cameron come on we're are going to talk!" I say pulling him to the gate. "Okay Natalie let me tell the guys I am going out with you okay?" he said laughing "Yeah I need to tell Shawn I will be back later" I say. I go find Shawn and tell him I will be back he is sad I am leavening but is glad that I am coming back.

I am in my car waiting for Cameron because he wanted to change clothes. We are going to so to Marble Slab! It's one of the best Ice Cream shops in Burleson!

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