Nana 七

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...I. Had. To. Write. This. Chapter. 6. Fluffing. TIMES!!!! You know why? No? Well it's because my computer decided to be a evil little thingy and just shut down!! IN THE MIDDLE OF A CHAPTER!!! And when I turned it off, BOOM!! Chapter deleted..

Sorry everyone TT^TT I wanted to update but my computer-

(Insert flipping tables moment)

But anyways! Love ya' everyone aaaaand~!



Chapter Nana Sexy No Jutsu?

Aiko's POV

"Aiko-chan! Psst! Wake up! OI!!!!!"

"WHAT!?!?!?!?" I yelled angrily getting an anime vein.

"I told you to wake up 'ttebayo"

I slowly opened my eyes seeing Naruto above me-

WAIT!!!! HOW'D HE EVEN GET HERE!??!?!?!?!??

I screamed suddenly and fell out of my bed in shock of my best friend standing above me, When my back hit the ground I let out a small 'Oof!' And rolled over to stand.

"How'd you get in here!?" I asked quickly standing up and almost falling down again.

"...Window 'ttebayo" Naruto answered and pointed at the window "It was open"

''...Oh'' I simply muttered ''Wait!!! Why does that give you the permission to climb through my window and wake me up!?''

Kakashi was out on a mission today giving me the chance to sleep a little longer than usual, But no...Of course my blonde headed best friend didn't allow me to, Why'd he wake up so early anyways?

''So, Why did you wake me up again?'' I asked rubbing my back, I must have hit something, A broom or whatevz.

"I have an idea for a prank 'ttebayo!" Naruto laughed making me smile, C'mon! He's so adorable! >w<

''Ano, Aiko-chan? 'ttebayo'' Naruto asked.

''Hm? Is there something you need?'' I asked looking at him.

''...Don't you want to get changed?'' Naruto muttered sweatdropping getting a small pink colour on his cheeks.

''Huh?'' I looked down seeing me in my PJ's, Which are just some knee long black shorts and a loose grey t-shirt ''Oh! Sorry!!!" I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, ''So get outta' my room while I change then!'' I shouted pushing him out my bedroom door.

I quickly walked over to mycloset putting on a plain loose dark blue t-shirt and my black ninja pants and blue sandals, I of course didn't take any weapons since...

1: Kakashi doesn't let me.

2: I don't need them.

3: I don't even have any.

So yeah...

''ARE YOU DONE YET 'TTEBAYO!??!!?'' Naruto yelled.

''YES I AM DONE YOUR MAGESTY!!!!'' I yelled facepalming.

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