Jūroku 十六

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Now! As you should know I ended the last chapter with a brilliant slap!

Btw, Has anyone else seen Transformers Age Of Extinction?


Non-Stop action!

Sorry, I've always been a hardcore Transformers fan since I was born...

Who doesn't love alien robots that transform into any type of vehicle? Well one was a radio and one a Phone Box in the early movies so not really just vehicles...Also there were three dinosaurs-

Anyways! Starting from where we left.



Jūroku 十六 ...I swear, If This Drunken Old Dude Doesn't Shut Up I'm Going To Slap Him Too...

Aiko's POV

There was silence for a moment before before:


"Reason one; You startled me! Reason two; Your face looks at me weird" I explained.

"My face does what?" Kakashi asked, confused.

"Well, Not really your face since I can't see it, But since I don't think anyone has the mask can be considered your face and it looks at me weird, it's annoying, really"

"BUT HOW DID WE PASS?!?!?!" Sakura yelled "WHY?!?!"

Shaking his head, Kakashi straightened up "Your guys are the first"

"Huh???" Sakura asked.

"First to what? 'ttebayo!" Naruto asked.

"Everyone else would have just done whatever I told them, They were all just morons" Kakashi stated "A ninja must see underneath the underneath-"

That makes no legit sense.

"-Those who break the rules and codes of the Shinobi World are called trash...But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades...Are lower than trash"

There was a short silence and I didn't know if to be amazed by the quote or jump around happily and angry chicken dance towards home as a victory dance.

Hard choice.

"That ends the training!" Kakashi suddenly yelled, giving us a thumbs up "ALL OF YOU PASS! ALRIGHT! Starting tomorrow Team Seven will begin it's duties!"

"YAY! I DID IT!! I DID IT!! NINJA!! NINJA!! NINJA!!" Naruto yelled happily as everyone started walking away "EEH?!?!? I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!! UNTIE ME!!"

I stopped and walked back to him, Loosening the rope "There! Now let's go!"


As Naruto left I jumped up to a tree, immediately spotting Spikey where I had told him to stay "Ah! I wouldn't forget ya' up here!"


"What's the distance to the Target?" Kakashi asked through his radio slash microphone slash witchcraft thing.

"Five meters, I'm ready anytime" Sasuke announced.

"Me too!" Sakura agreed.


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