Jû 十

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Ello again! Sorry for leaving off at a cliffhanger last time but I was going out of town and hadn't time to weite more, So I had to leave off there.

Am I forgiven?


Well then...Anyways! ^.^ Enjoy this Chapter and sit back, Grab the candy, Hold the popcorn, Shove you're siblings out of you're room and enjoy the show!

And another thing...








It's just that I have so many things so do! And now finals will be coming up at school!

I will try to update the best I can!


...Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!

Aiko's POV

"Hah! You two kitties kill me? You'd both die by one shot!" Mizuki yelled with a big smirk on his face.

Naruto and I took a stance, He did the handsigns for the Kage Bunshin, Which is the index finger on both hands and the one beside it, Middle one, Then you put them in a formation that looks like a cross, Like this: +, After that you gather a huge amount of Chakra to make the solid clones.

The Bunshin Jutsu, That we learn in the Academy to graduate only makes Clones that are Illusions, These are solid ones that is harder to spot which is the real Shinobi, Of course it's possible, But hard!

Suddenly -Before I could even start gathering up my chakra for the Jutsu- Probably thousands of Naruto's appeared! They were all around us! In the tree's, On the ground, Heck! I think I saw one doing a backflip! Or maybe that's just me ._.

"Hah! weren't you going to kill us with one shot!?" A clone of Naruto yellef.

Mizuke fell backwards in shock with a surprised and slightly scared expression on his face "Wha-!? What's going on?!?"

"Well then...." Another clone started, "...I'll just go first!" The real Naruto yelled as every single clone charged at Mizuki, Landing punches and kicks from all directions giving Mizuki no time to dodge or fight back.

After a while, Probably 30 minutes or even an hour Naruto finally dispelled the Jutsu and a beat up bloddy Mizuki was left on the ground beside Naruto who grinned and scratched the back if his head "Heh, I Went a little too far..."

"A little bit, Yes" I said and grinned.

"Naruto, Come over here..There's something I want to give you.." Iruka said with a small smile.

"Huh? why 'ttbayo!" Naruto asked and Iruka rolled eyes "Just do as I say, Come here and close your eyes"

Naruto shrugged and did as Iruka told him to, I watched as Iruka took off his headband and put it on Naruto's forehead "Now...You can open them"

Naruto opened his eyes confused but seemed to have felt the headband on his forehead because he reached up and poked it, Feeling the carved Konoha symbol on it, Instantly knowing it was a headband.

"Congratulations, On Graduating!" Iruka said with a grin and then turned to me "And you too of course Aiko! Both of you passed"

Naruto and I looked at each other with a happy expression written all over our faces.

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