Prologue and background

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The land of Falmari was peaceful, much like it had been throughout the ages. The Teleri elves that resided there revelled in the ocean breeze and the rolling hills. Thingol watched as his lands grew and his people prospered but he couldn't help but feel like it would not last forever. As the years passed by in little more than a blur, Thingol and his wife Melian had three children. His first born; a son named Beren, heir to the throne, his second; a daughter named Aeron and third another daughter named Lúithien.

As the years passed, the king watched his children grow to be everything he ever wanted. His son grew in to a strong and noble elf, his youngest daughter in to a beautiful and fair she-elf. However his middle daughter showed signs of rebellion that he himself portrayed when he was a youth. Although growing up in to a beautiful she-elf, his eldest daughter preferred to play with swords than with dolls. Not wanting to hinder his children, the king allowed his daughter to grow in to the talented warrior that she was destined to be.

His decision was wise, for the peace of middle earth would soon be coming to an end.

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