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-Your Office-

After Jungkook left the apartment without even waking you up, you'd to rush over to work all by yourself and even had to skip breakfast.

Sitting at the desk, you were giving yourself a scalp massage when suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." You weakly said, feeling a little bit dizzy and stressed.

The door then slowly opened, revealing Gayeon with a worried face on.

"Can I talk to you for a moment about Jungkook?" She asked with a soft tone, just like always.

She's a sweet, kind and pretty lady. Totally different with Lee Areum. And of course, a trustworthy one.

"I bet your husband is acting weird, right?" She approached you and sat on the black chair just across of you.

You nodded your head as a reply before asking, "Did something happen to him while he was in Japan?"

Gayeon bit her lower lip, before heaving a long sigh.

"I'm not sure if this is the reason he's acting weird recently but, something hit his head when we were walking down the street." She awkwardly scratched the back of her neck before telling you the whole story.


The very next day after Jungkook called you, he asked Gayeon to accompany him to buy some souvenirs just to avoid himself from getting lost in the big city of Tokyo. He decided to buy those souvenirs earlier as he would be really busy for the whole week.

Walking down the street, the only thing that Jungkook did was talking about his dearest wife, you.

"She eats a lot and sleeps a lot. I think she'll turn into a cow in 3 years from now." Jungkook laughed, shaking his head.

But then in a blink of an eye, Gayeon noticed that the corners of his lips slightly pulling down, vanishing the happy smile on his face.

"I miss her so much." He mumbled but loud enough for her to hear him.

"Give her a call then." She simply said but Jungkook shook his head.

"I want to make her miss me more." He chuckled.

Just then, as they were walking down the street, they suddenly heard a woman yelled. Both of them instantly turned their heads to the left only to see a kitchen utensils shop crowded with people.

Curious on what was happening, both Jungkook and Gayeon joined the crowds to watch the scene.

A woman was nagging at a man in front of him who everyone believed was her husband. She was nagging in Japanese and the only words that Jungkook clearly heard were baka (idiot) and hentai (pervert).

The moment when she started throwing stuffs at the man, that was when people began to leave before they got involved.

"Let's go. I need to buy Wagashi for Taehee." Jungkook said.

They were about to leave the scene too when suddenly, a flying steel pot hit Jungkook right in the head and knocked him out in an instant. The woman, who was responsible of what had happened quickly ran to unconscious Jungkook and apologized to Gayeon.

They let him rest in their shop and kept on apologizing. About half an hour later, Jungkook finally woke up and couldn't remember why he fell unconscious at the first place.

No one ever thought that it would actually affect his brain as there was no sign of bleeding. But it left Gayeon wondering why he suddenly stopped mentioning your name and also, began to act weird.

-End of Flashback-

"I don't want you to misunderstand but Jungkook has been, you know, flirting with me."

She lowered her voice at the last sentence as she was scared that you might get hurt. But still, she knew you had the right to know everything about Jungkook.

"You should go and bring him to the doctor as soon as possible." She advised, leaving a weak smile on your face.

A couple of hours passed and it was already time for lunch. You tried to approach Jungkook only to get callously thrown with harsh words.

"Get lost, stupid!" He groaned, before walking away.

Some of the staffs who witnessed the scene thought that the two of you were having a fight.

Not giving up yet, you tried to chase after him though he kept on running away from you until you lost on his tracks.

Since he didn't even want to get near to you, you decided to ask those two for help.

"You want me and Jimin to bring him to a doctor? Today?"

"Yeah, if you two are not busy. Jungkook doesn't even want to see me." You said, faking sobs.

You could hear him, sighing through the phone.

"Well, we will try later."

"Thanks Taehyung-ah! I love you!"

You hung up and turned around only to see Jungkook, standing straight right in front of you. He just walked out from the men's washroom.

Deep inside, you were hoping that he didn't hear your last words just now.

Jungkook began to stare at you in the eyes and suddenly scoffed,

"Now you are hitting on Taehyung-hyung?"

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