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A day later, your dad was finally discharged from the hospital. He looked kinda thinner than usual, but healthier than when you were seeing him at the hospital that day.

After a small welcome home party held in your parents' house, both you and Jungkook together with Taehyung and Jimin had to go back to Seoul as all of you needed to work for the next day.

It took about 5 to 7 hours to go back to Seoul by car and so both you and Jungkook ended up arriving home late at night.

Once you stepped into your apartment, you walked straight to the bookshelf while Jungkook flopped himself down on the couch and turned on the TV. However, his eyes were not on the screen but you.

He secretly watched every movement of yours in silent as he wondered what you were up to. He then saw you grabbing a dusty book from the bookshelf before heading to the kitchen.

He couldn't help himself but to overwhelm with curiosity. So he got off from the couch and tiptoed to the kitchen to peek on you.

There, you were sitting at the kitchen counter while reading a black book alone. Jungkook secretly chuckled. To him, seeing you reading a book was indeed such a rare sight.

He noticed that you were too engrossed in reading so he took the opportunity to approach you quietly and then snatched the book from you.

He was indeed gratified to see your eyes widened in shock. Not wanting to waste any time, Jungkook quickly took a look at the book cover and read the title.

"Play Hard To Get?" He raised an eyebrow before stealing a glance at you in confusion.

"Are you reading this book to learn on how to play hard to get or what?" He laughed out loud.

You quickly snatched the book back from him and hugged it tightly. Your cheeks immediately heated up in embarrassment, because he guessed it right.

"M-my friend gave it to me. It's such a waste not to read it."

The book hadn't been touched for almost a year, that was why it was a bit dusty.

"Which friend?" He stopped laughing immediately and began to eye you suspiciously.


Jungkook slowly nodded his head as a response and was actually glad that you didn't receive the book from a guy.

"Can I ask you one question?" You spoke up out of the blue.

"You just asked one." He chuckled as he filled the empty glass with cold water.

After that, he walked towards the kitchen counter and sat himself down beside you. Noticing that you were suddenly quiet, Jungkook stole a quick glance at you only to receive a cold stare from you.

"Just kidding, what is it?" He cleared his throat before drinking the water slowly.

"What am I to you actually?" You randomly asked and almost made Jungkook choked.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and put the glass away, "What are you to me? Well.."

You couldn't help but to anticipate for his answer. He crossed his arms over his chest and bit his lip. It took him almost a minute to finally speak up.

"You're like an underwear to me."

For a moment, you froze, mind went blank. In the same time, you wondered if you even heard him right.

"What. Why?" You asked while looking at him emotionlessly, jaws dropped.

"I hate sharing my underwear with others. I don't want anyone to use it or even touch it. That's what you are to me. Like an underwear."


"He said I'm like an underwear to him, I'm so happy~" You giggled through the phone while rolling your body in the bed.

"Like an underwear? Is that something to be happy about?"

"The meaning behind his words are more important." You smiled.

"I don't understand but now I know, I have a dirty mind."

"I don't care, I'm still really happy actually."

"Get yourself together! You can't just accept him back so easily. You told me that you wanted to make him suffer a bit right?"

"But, he just started to open his heart a bit for me."

"You need to make him suffer! Let him feel broken just like how he'd done to you before." He urged, while you remained silent not knowing what to say.

"Trust me, he would definitely love you more and try everything just to get your attention."

"Well, maybe you're ri—"

"Who are you talking to?" Jungkook suddenly appeared with a towel hung around his neck, hair wet from his shower.

"N-no one." You stuttered while hiding the phone under the pillow.

But too late, Jungkook already saw you doing that. He was ready to laugh at you for being so obvious but he held it in. He pretended as if he saw nothing and slowly sat beside you on the bed.

He watched for the right time and suddenly screamed, "LOOK! PIZZA!"

You foolishly fell for his trick and quickly followed his gaze, but saw nothing which was disappointing. You turned your head to him, only to see your phone already in his hand.

You tried to get it back but unfortunately, he'd seen everything.

"Liar. You were calling Jimin-hyung." He glared, as he raised the phone higher.

You tried to get it back for the second time when Jungkook suddenly leaned in to your face, asking you for a peck. However, you didn't budge even a bit. Just quietly staring at him.

"What's wrong?" He anxiously asked, worried that you were actually mad at him for lying about the pizza.

"This is why I want to play hard to get. To train myself from being easy." You said.

Jungkook remained quiet to listen to you more. Seeing you upset because of him made his chest hurt.

"I'm scared, that I would get hurt again if I open myself up to you." You added.

Jungkook suddenly felt sorry for everything that he'd done before. He yelled, called you crazy and even acted cold towards you. He only realized his feelings towards you when you were not by his side.

"Why would you get hurt?" He gently cupped your cheek with his hand.

His soft touch, was indeed impossible to resist.

"I love you so much and I'm sure of that." He warmly smiled.


"Um?" He raised his eyebrows.

"There's something that I need to tell you."

My Cruel Husband 2 || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now