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-Jungkook's POV-

After she left me under the rain alone, I went back to my car and texted Gayeon to apologize to her for ditching her in the cafe. Somehow, I felt a bit dizzy and confused at the recent event.

I couldn't understand why. Why would I chased after her just now? I felt like a fool for doing so. Anyway, I needed to change my clothes as soon as possible. I was all wet because of the rain and it made me uncomfortable.


There, I stood in front of our apartment door in silent. Somehow, I felt a bit unprepared to face her. What should I say to her? What would she say to me?

Thinking of all this made my head ached, seriously. Perhaps, divorce would be the best choice for the two of us. 

Letting out a sigh, I slowly walked towards the next door, Jimin's apartment. Without thinking twice, I reached my hand out and rang the doorbell.

Not too long after that, someone opened the door and Jimin's face popped out right in front of me. His small eyes widened and he was about to slam the door shut but I quickly held the door using all of my strength to block the door from closing.

"Useless, hyung." I rolled my eyes.

I knew he wanted to get revenge for what I had done to him this morning but he should've just forget about it because of the fact that I was way stronger than him.

"You slammed your door in front of my face. Let me do the same." Jimin groaned, still struggling to close the door shut.

"Well you deserved it. You shouldn't have asked her to pretend to be your wife. There were plenty of women around and you chose her." I glared and he immediately stopped moving.

He finally let go of the door and crossed his arms over his chest while leaning his shoulder against the wall.

"You sounded mad. Are you finally caring for your wife again?" He smirked.

Gotta admit though, that I was a bit taken aback by his sudden question.

"Not at all." I mumbled and stepped into his apartment while Jimin followed me from behind.

I went straight to his room and grabbed his clothes from his closet before making my way to the bathroom.

"Seriously, you don't like sharing your things and yet here you are, taking whatever you like as if they're yours." Jimin laughed.

I stopped, then turned my head towards Jimin's finger. The ring had already gone?

"Hyung, the ring that you wore last night, is it your couple ring with Taehee?" I asked without even thinking twice.

Jimin widened his eyes as if he finally remembered something. He took something out from his pocket and handed it to me.

The couple ring? But why?

I looked up to him in confusion asking for his explanation.

"It's actually your wedding ring. Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I borrowed it before you went to Japan that day."

Somehow, when I stared at this ring, it reminds me of her.

After taking a shower, changing and all, I explained everything to Jimin about what actually happened. Taehyung, who showed up out of nowhere also joined us along in the conversation.

Once the three of us gathered together, I got carried away and didn't realize that it was already time for dinner. They even invited me for dinner, but I declined and decided to go back home just in case she already prepared dinner for me. So, I excused myself and went home.

However, I realized I shouldn't have expected anything when no one was actually at home.

I looked for her everywhere, but there was no sign of her there. At first I just shrugged it off and went back to them but as hours passed by, midnight came trailing, she was still not in sight.

I even tried to call her number, but she didn't pick it up. I rolled my eyes in frustration before texting her, asking where she went. But still, I received no reply, until I sent this one message to her as a warning.

'If you don't reply to my message, I'm going to report this to the police.'

Not even a minute, after I finally received a reply from her.

'I'm on a trip. Don't disturb me.'

Not a very satisfying answer, but at least I knew, she's still alive. But still, what was with her sudden trip?!

'A trip to where?'

'Whom are you with?'

'When are you coming back?'

'Fine, go ahead. It's not like I care though.'

I flooded her with a bunch of questions though I knew that she wasn't going to reply to any. After that, I felt so sleepy, tired and eventually fell asleep on the bed.

-End of POV-

Jungkook woke up early the next morning, but you did not appear that day, and another passed, and another, until a week had already passed.

He asked almost everyone in the company about you, but no one had any idea about the trip you talked about. Even Jimin and Taehyung told him that they knew nothing.

Jungkook didn't want to admit it, but he had started to feel anxious about your absence. Everyday after work, he didn't have much things to do other than lying in the couch, watching some random channels on the television, and playing with his phone. At night, he could barely fall asleep, looking at the empty space beside him where you used to be.

-Jimin's Apartment-

"Jimin-hyung, I bought some donuts." Jungkook grinned, while raising a box of donuts in the air.

"Woah. Nice." He smiled and was about to grab the box from his hand but Jungkook quickly raised it higher.

"Don't touch. I'm calling Taehyung-hyung over to eat with us." He warned before putting the box on the highest place where Jimin couldn't reach it.

"You meanie." Jimin pouted as Jungkook made his way to Taehyung's room.

Once he arrived in front of his room, he noticed that door was slightly opened. Through the small hole, Jungkook could see Taehyung talking on the phone with someone.

"I know, I won't tell Jungkook. I promise."

Jungkook was about to leave when he suddenly heard his name being mentioned. He quickly leaned his shoulder against the wall and quietly stood there to listen more.

"I'm on my way. Just wait for me there." Taehyung said and hung up.

He grabbed a black bag, walked to his closet and put a few clothes into his bag. Then, he rushed out from the room without looking around. He didn't even realize that Jungkook was actually there. He walked straight to the door and left the apartment in a hurry. 

Meanwhile, Jimin who was in the living room didn't even notice that Taehyung just left as he was struggling to reach for that box of donuts. He almost reached it when Jungkook suddenly grabbed his shirt from the back and dragged him out with him.

"W-Where are we going?!" He asked, confused.

"I think he is meeting Taehee."

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