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-Coffee Shop-

"You know, you don't actually have to bring me along. I kinda don't want to talk to him today." You said while rubbing the back of your neck, weak smile plastered on your face.

Sitting across of you, Gayeon could only chuckle hearing you said that. That friend of her she talked about turned out to be you.

"Did you two have a fight?" She asked with a really low voice, enough only for you to hear it.

You nodded your head as a response after stealing a glance at Jungkook who was standing by the counter, waiting for his orders.

"By the way, I think he just wanted to get your attention." She whispered as she leaned her body towards you.

Once again, you stole a glance at him only to catch him already looking at your way. You quickly turned your head back to Gayeon as fast as possible, hoping that he wouldn't see you glancing at him just now when it was already too late to do so.

"Who? Jungkook? No way." You awkwardly laughed.

Still, you couldn't help but to hope for the same thing deep inside.

"I think it was obvious though. He purposely raised his voice when he talked to me, as if he wanted you to hear him." She said, rubbing her chin between her thumb and forefinger.

She was about to utter something when a cup of coffee was placed right in front of your face, raising your head up in an instant to look at the owner of the hand.

"Here, iced Americano for you." Jungkook smiled as he put the coffee closer to Gayeon.

But then you realized, that he only brought two cups of coffee with him. One in his hand which was obviously his, and another one was the one he offered to Gayeon.

"Only one?" She frowned in confusion, looking at him, you, then back to him again.

Jungkook turned his head to you and had this evil smirk formed on his lips.

"Ouh. I forgot about you." He tilted his head a bit.

But just by looking at his eyes, you knew he purposely did it.

At that moment, you could already feel both of your cheeks heated up in embarrassment and frustration. You abruptly pushed the chair back and stood up.

"I don't like coffee though." You shot him a glare before leaving the coffee shop as soon as possible.

Jungkook smirked in victory, watching at you slowly vanished from his sight. But when he noticed it was raining heavily at the outside, the smirk on his face just now slowly disappearing too.

Without thinking any longer, Jungkook ran out from the coffee shop and chased after you.

"Wait, Taehee!" He yelled while trying to catch you up.

Hearing that sweet yet annoying voice of him, you stopped your steps and turned around only to see him running towards you under the rain. He was soaking wet too, just like you.

"What do you want?" you questioned. In the same time, anticipating for an apology from him though you knew, it was clearly impossible to come out from his mouth.

Jungkook began to scan your face and couldn't really tell whether they were tears streaming down your cheeks or just raindrops.

Out of the blue, he held his hand out to you. An empty hand.

"Lend me some money. I forgot my wallet at home." He simply said, leaving you wordless for a few seconds.

"What?! Why should I?"

"Since you claimed yourself as my kind wife." He replied, emphasizing the word kind.

Despite the heavy and cold rain rushing down your body, you could feel yourself boiling up in anger. That was the breaking point of your patience.

"Get lost." You muttered, before walking away from him.

He wasn't that shocked though, as he didn't expect anything from you. But what shocked him the most was, himself.

"I already paid, idiot." He mumbled.

Running out from the coffee shop, chasing after you in the rain, asking you for money, were not actually planned right from the beginning. This made him wonder, whether this whole time you were the idiot one, or just him.

Once you entered your car, loud screams and random curse words escaped from your mouth.

*If I tell you that I'm pregnant with your child, would you stop making me feel this miserable?* you thought, tears of devastation rolled down your cheeks.

The walls that had been holding you up, making you strong, just collapsed. The man who once helped you to build the walls, was the one who destroyed them now.

My Cruel Husband 2 || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now