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"If he's really meeting her, what are you gonna do?" Jimin questioned as he entered the car with him in a hurry.

Again, it wasn't planned right from the beginning. Jungkook did whatever his heart said and surprisingly, it was always beyond his own imagination.

"Bring her home." He answered and drove off, tracking Taehyung down from behind.

After that, none of them were interested to start any conversation. Jungkook had his eyes glued to Taehyung's car so that they wouldn't miss him while Jimin was still upset about the donuts. Silence filled the whole car until Jungkook spoke up out of the blue.

"Hyung, there's something that I wanna tell you." He said with an awkward tone which indicated that he was kinda hesitant to tell him.

"What is it? You can tell me anything." He gently assured him.

Nothing came out from his mouth for a moment as he was unsure on telling him but at last, he decided to just let everything go. Because keeping it by himself was difficult too for him.

"I miss her." He confessed.

Jimin instantly turned his head to him, eyes grew wide at his unexpected confession. For a second, he wondered if he even heard him right.

"I miss her when she isn't around. I think about her all the time. I want her to always stay by my side." He continued as a smile tugged up the corner of his lips.

"But I don't love her, okay?" He suddenly added, putting on his solemn face once again.

Jimin could only sigh at his stubborn friend.

"You do love her, please just admit it Jeon Jungkook." He scoffed, before returning his gaze to the dark night sky.

The cold silence had came back again and Jimin could feel his eyelashes became heavier. Maybe the subtle vibration of the vehicle lulled him into drowsiness.

He was about to fall into a deep sleep when the car abruptly stopped, bringing back his consciousness in an instant.

"Why did you stop?" He asked as he scanned the area around him in confusion.

"Wait, this is her parents' house." Jungkook mumbled, while staring at something outside of the window.

Jimin slowly followed his gaze only to see a big house there. The gate was widely opened as Taehyung just went in but Jungkook decided to stop the car by the side of the road not to get caught.

"Why would Taehyung come here?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know, no one is supposed to be here now. Her parents are in Busan."

Not too long after that, both of them saw Taehyung's car coming out through the gate.

"Isn't that Taehee?" Jimin frowned, pointing at a female figure sitting on the front seat of his car.

Jungkook immediately had his eyes focused on the figure and confirmed that it was really you. Seeing you in the car with Taehyung, Jungkook wished he could take back what he said to Jimin a few minutes ago about him missing you.

In the same time, he wondered if you were really on a trip for the whole week or you were just actually staying in your parents' house.

Jungkook didn't say anything after that and continued to follow the car secretly. The car finally stopped after three hours and it was nearly midnight already. Jungkook decided to park his car a bit far away but clear enough to watch the two of you.

He then saw you stepping out from the car before making your way into a building, followed by Taehyung from behind. Curious, Jungkook tilted his head a bit to look at what actually the building was. Once he found out, his jaws dropped.

It was a hotel.

"I know it's late, but going to this kind of place is a bit.." he furrowed his eyebrows, feeling upset.

He quickly got off from the car and ran towards the hotel you two went in, leaving Jimin alone in the car who was sleeping soundly. He didn't walk in, instead he just peeked the two of you through the glasses door.

There, Jungkook saw you talking to a staff at the counter, probably booking a room. Several minutes later, he saw you and Taehyung heading towards the elevator and soon disappeared from his sight.

After that, Jungkook took the opportunity to enter the hotel and walked towards the counter. But before Jungkook could ask anything to the staff there, she quickly spoke.

"I'm sorry, sir. But we don't have any room left." She apologized.

"Did they book the last two rooms?" he asked.

"No, they booked the last room." She stated and made Jungkook speechless for a few seconds.

"May I know their room number?" He asked, voice trembled a little.

She shook her head to him, looking a little bit burdened at his request.

"I'm sorry but we can't reveal any information about our guests. This is to protect their privacy." She said and apologized to him again.

Jungkook heaved a long disappointed sigh, before returning to his car with a sour face. There was nothing that he could do.

That night, Jungkook couldn't sleep well, thinking that both of you were staying in the same room. He wrapped his arms tighter around himself to keep his body warm and stared at the black sky. Somehow, that night was the most painful night he'd ever feel.

"I wonder if you're sleeping well."

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