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-Jungkook's POV-

Everything around me was pitch black and all I could see at that time was a familiar looking guy standing not too far from me. It took me a while to finally realize who he was.

Ah, it's Taejoong. Abeoji's late son.

Somehow, he seemed very mad. I repeated, very mad. I kept on staring at him when suddenly, he began to approach me. I wanted to run away but I couldn't, as if my feets were glued to the ground.

Once he arrived in front of me, he took out something from behind and hit my head with a pan.

Seriously, a pan?!

I winced in pain, rubbed my head and glared at him with a what-was-that-for look.

"Boy, I'm gonna kill you if you hurt Taehee again!" He groaned and hit me again with his pan several times.

He kept on mumbling something but I couldn't catch what he was saying.

That was when realization hit me that I had been dreaming. Waking up from the nightmare, I found myself sweating and I could still feel a little pain from getting hit in that dream.

But weird, I could still hear someone mumbling just like in that dream. My eyes quickly scanned around the room to find the owner of the voice, only to see her again, sitting on the edge of my bed while watching a video from her phone.

"W-What the hell are you doing in my room?! Get out!" I yelled.

She turned to me and smiled, "Oh, you're awake."

I immediately spotted bags and grays under her eyes. Did she even get a sleep last night?

She then put her phone away and crawled towards me.

"Please stop acting that you don't know me, Jungkook-ah. It hurts me a lot. I beg you." She said, shutting her eyes as she leaned closer to me.

But still, I felt awkward. This time, I gently pushed her away. The nightmare I just had was seriously creepy. Wait, was what his relationship with this crazy woman?

"I'm not acting. I really don't know you." I sighed before making my way to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, I walked out from the bathroom only to find her still in the bed, but already asleep.

I found myself giggling and unknowingly, I mumbled "Cute."

Wait. Who said that? Pft. I shook my head and went to get ready for work.

-End of POV-


"Morning, pretty." Jungkook greeted his secretary, Gayeon as soon as she stepped into his office.

She began to look around her to see if he was actually talking to somebody else. But then, she found herself the only one there with him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She raised her eyebrows, carefully walked towards him and handed him a file.

"Are you that worried about me? You must like me so much." He smirked.

"If you keep on saying these stuffs, I'm gonna tell your wife." She warned.

The smirk slowly faded from his face once she mentioned wife.

"You know what? Last night, a crazy woman came up to me and claimed herself as my wife. She even followed me home." He said.

Gayeon frowned, listening to his weird story.

"What did Taehee say then?"  She asked.

Jungkook looked up to her and widened his eyes, jaws dropped.

"How did you know that crazy woman's name is Taehee?!"

Gayeon turned speechless for a few seconds.

"You're really not okay, Jungkook-ssi."

My Cruel Husband 2 || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now