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The next morning, when you were preparing for the breakfast, you were disturbed by the sound of the doorbell ringing nonstop. Jungkook was still in the bathroom, so you were automatically responsible to check on the door. But then when you swung the door open, no one was in sight. You turned your head to the left and right but still, no sight of human there.

"Weird." You mumbled as you began to find it creepy.

Since no one was showing up, you closed the door back and walked to the room slowly, still in confusion.

Once you arrived in the kitchen, Jungkook was already there sitting in his usual seat. As you approached, he noticed that you looked kinda puzzled.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Someone rang the bell but when I checked it, no one was there." You replied, leaving a look of shock on his face.


"What do you mean by again?" You raised your eyebrows at him.

A frown slowly formed across his face, "Someone rang the bell too before but I found no one there."

Both of you began to stare at each other in a total confusion as this kind of situation had never happened to the two of you before.

Shrugging the thoughts off, Jungkook darted his eyes across the table.

"Where's my milk?"

"Ah. I forgot to buy it. Imma ask Jimin if he still have more left in his fridge." You tapped on his shoulder before making your way out.

Soon, Jungkook found himself left alone in the kitchen. He got off from the chair and headed into the bedroom to get his phone. But then when he was about to reach for the phone, the doorbell rang again.

This time, he rushed to the door without thinking any longer and wished to catch that person who just couldn't stop ringing the bell. Unfortunately, no matter how fast he was, he missed it again.

Nobody was in sight, except for a small white box placed on the floor right in front of him. His eyes darted around just in case he saw someone nearby but still, there was no one there. He then picked the box up and brought it in.

He sat down on the couch and examined the box that looked like a gift carefully. Without thinking twice, Jungkook opened the box up and  found out that the things inside were actually—

—piles of photos of him and Areum. Pictures of them together were all there.

He took one by one photo to look at it carefully just in case his eyes were just playing with him. However, the more he stared on those photos, he felt the beat of his heart grew more rapid.

It had been a long time since he talked with Areum. He tried to remember what they talked about for the last time but failed to do so. The fact that he once dated her when you two were married, was deleted from his mind too.

But what made him wonder the most was, who was the sender of those pictures? He tried to think about it carefully and had this one name popped in his head which was no other than, Lee Areum.

*I won't let Taehee see these.*

Jungkook quickly put those pictures back into the box when suddenly, he found a piece of folded paper sipped between those pictures. He grabbed the paper and unfolded it. What was written inside made everything even creepier.

'Now, I know where you live.'


After getting the milk for Jungkook, both of you began to eat. You were eating in peace when you suddenly noticed a flicker of frustration and exhaustion on his face.

"What's wrong?" You asked anxiously.

Jungkook quickly looked up to you and instantly masked it with his flawless smile.

"Nothing. I'm just a bit tired." He answered and tried to laugh about it not to make you worry.

He was about to continue to eat his meal, until his phone suddenly vibrated, informing him that an email just came in. He then opened the email without hesitant. What was written on the email made him lost his appetite completely.

'Since you threw those pictures away, I'm going to send a lot more.'

A frown of frustration instantly formed on his face as he put his chopsticks down to reply to the email.

'Who the hell are you?'

Shortly after that, he received a response.

'You know who I am, Jeon Jungkook.'

My Cruel Husband 2 || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now