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"This is ridiculous." Jungkook muttered as he had trouble in getting the most comfortable position to sleep on the cold couch.

He still couldn't believe himself, that he gave up on his bed for you. The whole situation bothered him a lot, he couldn't sleep because of that.

Suddenly, a very loud snore could be heard coming from the bedroom. Jungkook was somehow disturbed by the loud snore, making it harder for him to fall asleep.

"Where's my ear buds?" He sat up straight and searched for it on the table but then remembered, that he left it on the nightstand before.

Without thinking twice, he got off from the couch and made his way into the bedroom. The snore got even loud as he approached the nightstand to take the ear buds.

But when he was reaching his hand for it, something caught his eyes. It was a picture of you and him. He snatched for the picture instead and seated himself on the floor. He then leaned towards the nightstand lamp to get a clear look on it.

In that picture, both of you were smiling brightly, looking so happy together. However, Jungkook didn't even remember when he actually took that picture with you. He still couldn't trust you, but deep inside, he really wanted to remember you too.

*But what if, she was actually cheating on me before I lost my memories?* he thought.

That was what had been disturbing him.

*She's so close with Taehyung-hyung too.*

The more he thought about it, the more confused he got.

*Aish! I'm really curious!* Jungkook slammed his fist on the bed in frustration and made the bed shook.

When he sensed your movement, he quickly held his breath, not wanting to wake you up. He was glad that you had finally stopped snoring and fortunately still asleep.

Jungkook unknowingly began to stare on your sleeping face with a small smile formed on his lips.

*I admit though, that she's kinda cute.* he thought and eventually, drove off to sleep.

He could finally sleep, after looking at your face, though he was still sitting on the floor.


Four weeks had passed but nothing was returning. Jungkook couldn't remember anything about you, even a slight. Worse, he kept on chasing after Gayeon. He always asked her to eat lunch with him but never asked you once.

He rarely talked to you or even smiled to you. He treated you the same way when he still dated Areum, always neglecting you.

But other than him, there was another important thing that you needed to take care of.

"Awww." You giggled, looking at the ultrasound picture while heading to your office.

Being able to see a gestational sac on ultrasound at 4 weeks didn't sound that exciting, but it really felt amazing to see something definitely changing and growing.

"What are you looking at?" A familiar male voice startled you.

You quickly slid the picture into your pocket and looked up only to see Jungkook standing right in front of you.

"N-nothing." You nervously answered while rubbing the back of your neck.

"Show it to me." He held his hand out, asking for the picture.

"No. Not yet."

"Why? Is that your boyfriend's picture? You cheated on me before I lost my memory, right?" He scoffed while raising an eyebrow.

"What?! Of course not!" You strongly denied.

But Jungkook, wasn't giving up either.

"Then show it to me." He glared.

Some staffs who were passing by began to stare at you two and some even stopped to watch what would happen between you two.

"What if I really cheated on you?" You questioned.

"Then we'll divorce immediately." He replied.

The word 'divorce' that came out from his mouth seriously annoyed you.

"What if I didn't cheat on you?"

Jungkook remained silent for a few seconds, thinking for the best answer he could give.

"We would still divorce sooner or later." He stated, though he wasn't that sure about it.

Not only you, but those people who stopped by to watch the two of you were also speechless by his heartless answer.

"I don't want to show it to you yet." You muttered.

"You cheated, right?"

"I SAID NO!" You yelled and this time turned the area into a complete dead silence.

Everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and watched the two of you instead.

Jungkook noticed that the number of people watching started to grow so he quickly dragged you into your office to talk about it privately.

"Show it to me if you're really my wife." He urged, still didn't want to give up yet.

"It's not like what you think, Jungkook-ah." You whined, trying to beg him to stop from forcing you.

He frowned, hands closed into fists as he stepped forward.


He was about to say something when his phone suddenly rang. He quickly took it out and answered the phone call, eyes still on you.

About a minute later, he finally hung up and was about to leave but you stopped him from doing so.

"Wait, you bought a new phone?" You widened your eyes then snatched it from his hand to check the phone contacts.

You couldn't find your number there but you did find Gayeon's number.

"I'm your wife and yet, you haven't save my number?" You frowned.

Jungkook inserted both his hands into his pockets and acted as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"I don't know yours." He simply answered.

"But why do you have Gayeon's number?" You asked.

He was getting on your nerves.

"Because she's my assistant." He rolled his eyes, thinking that it wasn't a big deal at all.

"And I'm your wife!" You claimed.

"Why are you being so mad all of a sudden? Save your number then. Satisfied?"

Feeling extremely annoyed, you quickly saved your number in his phone as wife before handing it back to him.

Just as soon as Jungkook left your office, you received a text message from someone. For a second, you thought it was from Jungkook but nope. It was from Jimin.

'Taehee! I need your help!'

My Cruel Husband 2 || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now