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Just after the staff told him about Areum wanting to meet him all of a sudden, Jungkook rushed down to the cafe as soon as possible before you see her. He had no idea why she suddenly wanted to meet up after such a long time, but Jungkook had this familiar deep pain in his stomach. As if it was telling him that something was sure to go wrong later on.

Once he arrived at the cafe, his eyes darted around to find her. He wasn't sure why, but he felt kind of nervous to see her again.

His eyes then caught a familiar figure sitting alone at the corner of the cafe. After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he slowly made his way towards the familiar woman with a bunch of questions lingering in his head.

Jungkook finally met her eyes, after such a long time. Deep inside, he felt sort of weird. Not sure because he hated her so much now or, he actually missed her.

Both of them just froze at the sights of each other. Jungkook remembered everything about her. The day they first met, first dated, until the day they broke up.

Those feels were still there, unforgettable yet unacceptable. He instantly shrugged those ridiculous thoughts when he remembered about you.

"What do you want from me?" He asked, trying to show her that he was annoyed.

Areum could only sigh. She didn't expect much though from him, "I just want to talk to you for a moment. Actually—"

"There's nothing between the two of us anymore. Now please, leave." He glared.

Areum was a bit taken aback seeing how his eyes were sharp and cold, full of hate.

"Jungkook-ah, just listen to me once!" She tried to hold his hand to stop him from going anywhere but he dodged her.

"I have a wife, I'm going to be a daddy soon, we're doing great now. So please, just leave."

"Jeon Jungkook, I just want to—"

"Stop! I don't want to hear anything from you. And please, don't show yourself in front of my wife." He shot her a death glare for the last time before walking out of the cafe.

Everyone was awkwardly staring at the two of them but Jungkook didn't care anymore.

"Jungkook!" She tried to call his name over and over again, but he didn't even give a damn to turn around.

Areum instantly stopped, when she saw him whispering something to both of the guards at the front door. They nodded their heads and made their ways to her.

"Don't touch me." She warned them, knowing that they were going to drag her out of the building.

"I can get out by myself." She stood up and slung her handbag over her shoulder.

Both of the guards nodded their heads together, "I'm sorry but from now on, you're forbidden to come here. This is Mr. Jeon's order." One of them stated.

Areum rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh. She really needed to talk to Jungkook about something, but seemed like he wouldn't give her a chance to do so. She had to think of another way to reach him.


Jungkook silently stared at the ceiling of the bedroom in the middle of the night. You were already asleep by his side but he had trouble sleeping, thinking that Areum suddenly showed up again and came to meet him.

His mind was in a total mess as he had been thinking about this matter for the whole day. He even tried to remember the reasons behind their breakup, but he couldn't remember any other than her cheating on him.

Somehow, it was incomplete. As if there was another reason behind their breakup and there was this someone unknown, unrecognizable, existed in his head.

"Are you thinking about something?" A soft voice mumbled in the darkness which swiftly brought him back to the present.

He turned his head to you and smiled, seeing you trying your best to lift your heavy eyelids.

"Yeah, thinking about you and our baby." He replied which slowly formed a small smile on your lips.

He felt bad, for lying.

"Taehee, I think you should take a break from work starting tomorrow."

"But I can still work for a few months and I—"

"No. You must rest. I won't let the same thing to happen again." He said, before leaning his face in to yours until his forehead touched yours.

Jungkook noticed that you'd trouble lifting your heavy eyelids to stay awake. So, he decided to keep quiet to let yourself drift.

Not too long after that, he found you fell into a deep sleep once again. He was amazed at how fast you could fall asleep. The edges of his lips curled upward, seeing your calm sleeping face.

But then, Areum's face flashed into his mind again, wiping the smile off his face in an instant. All of the moments they had together, were automatically played in his head one by one.

"I feel so useless. I'm such a bad husband. And.." he mumbled but then suddenly paused as he didn't dare to utter the next line with his mouth.

*..I'm sorry for missing another woman other than you.*

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