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-Your POV-

*Please be fine. Please be fine.*

I've been repeating it over and over again in my head. Just after I received the call, I rushed out from the hotel without changing my clothes. I was still in my pyjamas, didn't give a damn about my appearance anymore. What mattered to me at that time was Jungkook, and only him.

On the way to the hospital, I tried to stay calm and think positive. Maybe he just hit a tree, yes, might not be that bad though. But why?

Why did that person told me that he was dying? That the crash was so tragic? That it involved about four to five vehicles?

I shook my head irritably, I could already feel my eyes watering. I took a really deep breath to fight back the hot tears that threatened to fall and then began to think positive again. At that critical moment, I kept on reminding myself that I was pregnant and needed to calm down though it was just so impossible to do so.

Soon, I arrived at the hospital and headed straight to the emergency room. My heart ached, to see a lot of people waiting at the outside. Concerns and sadness, etched in their eyes and faces. Some were crying, and just by seeing them cried made me want to tear up also.

None of us were allowed to enter the emergency room, none of us were prepared for whatever the results would be, but everyone knew, that they were trying their best to save lives behind the doors.

"Please step aside!" a man yelled from behind with a frantic tone.

I was lost in thought until I didn't realize that I was standing in the middle of the way. Quickly, I stepped aside to make a way for the doctors, pushing the stretcher towards the doors to the emergency room.

It was another victim of the crash, perhaps.

The moment they passed me, I stole a quick glance at the victim's face only to realize that the one in the stretcher was actually Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" I yelled his name and chased after him, getting dragged by the doctors.

My heart lurched to see his face cut, bruised and bleeding. The entire front of his grey shirt, from his chest down past to his waist was soaked in blood. There was so much blood, it frightened me, he looked so lifeless.

I tried to yell for his name once again while chasing after him. Before he passed through the doors, his eyes met mine. So soulless and bleak. I swore, I spotted tears in his eyes too.

That, was the worst sight I'd ever seen in my life.

A second before he was dragged into the emergency room, something fell off from his bloody hand.

Warm tears were forming in my eyes as I picked up the paper stained with blood that he dropped. It looked the same with those he had been sending to me. My hands were shaking as I slowly unfolding the paper. Once, I read what was written inside, I burst into tears.

'I love you till the last breath of mine and the end of time.'

A single tear slid down from my eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears coursed down my pale cheeks, releasing the sadness and sorrow that had been held inside of me for all this time.

At that exact moment, I regretted everything; for not forgiving him earlier, for not telling him how I truly felt, for being so stubborn. How could I be so heartless towards him? He wouldn't have gotten into the crash if I'd forgive him earlier, and come home earlier when I had the chance to. I must be stupid.

How I longed to go back and take a different path, but now that was impossible. There was no way back. There was no way to turn the clock back.

My chest was shuddering with every gasping sob, but I couldn't figure out how to stop. My mind was in a mess, I could only listen to myself, crying miserably. My chest rose and fell with my ragged breathing but then, I felt like I was surrounded by a group of people.

I was lost in myself until I didn't realize Taehyung, Jimin, and the others had arrived. They slowly dragged me to the chair to seat me doen.

"He's going to be okay." They said.

I buried my face into my own hands as I cried even more.

They tried to comfort me, but those words somehow were not making me feel better.

I just wanted to see him, breathing.

About an hour later, a doctor finally came out. Everyone in the waiting room shifted their gazes on him. He walked to our direction and with Jimin's help, I managed to stand up on my feet.

My eyes were swollen so badly, my sight was getting blurry, I almost couldn't recognize the doctor. He halted in front of us, and heaved a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry, he couldn't make it."

-End of POV-

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