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"Sorry, I'm not Taehyung. I'm his twin brother, V." He stated.

Hearing the unexpected statement from him, you floundered, not knowing quite what to say. When V noticed that you were drenched from head to toe because of him, he quickly got up to grab a big towel for you.

"Did I scare you?" He chuckled.

He found it cute that you looked too shocked until you couldn't even utter a word to him.

Then, V suddenly cleared his throat and asked, "You know my twin, Kim Taehyung?"

You gasped, before slowly nodding your head as a yes, "He is my friend."

After that, an uneasy silence began to fill the air as both had no idea on what to talk about.

It was so awkward for you, the fact that he was actually a stranger yet had the same face with Taehyung who happened to be his twin brother which you never knew actually existed all this time.

"So, your full name is Kim V?" You randomly asked, hammering the wall of silence.

He just laughed, "Weird, I know."

"I never know that Taehyung has a twin brother." You faked a laugh, which only made the situation even more awkward for you.

Realizing that the towel couldn't dry you off that easily, V pouted then sighed.

"How about we change first? Let's meet up at the restaurant later."


"What would you like to drink?" V asked as he placed his elbow on the table and rested his head on his hand, eyes on you.

Both of you were sitting a bit far from each other, as you were still awkward with him.

"I'm fine." You quickly shifted your gaze to your hands on your laps.

"How about coffee?"

He stared at you, waiting for your answer.

You rubbed the back of your neck shyly and awkwardly laughed, "I'm pregnant actually."

You'd been warned by the doctor to limit your caffeine consumption to fewer than 200 milligrams per day. So you've decided not to consume any.

"Ah.." He nodded as his eyes trailed down.

He finally realized, that you had an obvious small bump on your belly.

"So, you're married?"

You slightly nodded your head as an answer.

"Where's your husband then?" He asked, eyes wandered around the place as if he was looking for someone.

You put your head down and sighed, "He isn't here."

V immediately stopped and shifted his gaze to you, "Why?"

"It's a bit complicated." You replied, voice getting lower, unwilling to speak more about that matter.

He tilted his head a bit to look at your face only to notice how shattered you looked.

"What happened?" He softly asked, eye to eye.

You gulped, a bit nervous at his sudden eye contact. You sank into his deep gaze. Too deep until you forgot about Jungkook's existence in this world for a moment.

"Come on, just tell me. I'll keep it a secret. It's going to be better if you blurt everything out." He smiled.

That innocent smile of him, soothed your heart a bit. His deep voice, warm gaze, reminded you of Taehyung a lot. They were indeed twins.

My Cruel Husband 2 || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now